Well, the Redhavens didn’t end up making it after all. There are a few blossoms still hanging on George IV, but otherwise there will be no peaches this year.
All blooms had already opened? Last year I thought that we had lost all of our peaches and for the most part I was right. We did end up with about 6 from a Reliance (I felt the name was justified, lol). Hopefully you will end up with more than you think at this point.
All my peach trees ( 4) are blooming now. I cut them back about two weeks ago since I have not been pruning them over the years, always " I’ll do it later" type thing. It was way past due. Now they look beautiful with all the blossoms on them. The big question is will I get any peaches this year?
So far the weather has been favorable as to not damaging the blossoms. Of course as we all know Mother Nature has different plans all the time for our fruiting trees.
I dont have peaches anymore… but right now all of my apple trees are blooming.
Early Mcintosh… started first and is almost done now.
Next Gold Rush and Hudson Golden Gem started about the same time and are still blooming.
Then a short while later Akane started… and now last but not least Novamac has joined in… opening several blossoms.
This is the first year that HGG and Akane bloomed… summer pruning helped.
Looks like it may be a good year for apples.
Also… my Lapins cherry and Mt Royal eu plum…both have an abundance of fruit on… for the first time… they were started in 2018.
Nice to see several fruit trees kicking into production mode this year.
They had all opened, yeah. If we are going to keep having weather like this, I am going to have to research some later-blooming and frost hardier varieties.
I only have two in ground right now, Glohaven and Teton de Venus. Glohaven bloomed pretty early, earlier than nearly anything else I’ve got, and I’m guessing might have been toasted by the freezes we had, though some buds were immature enough that they might be ok. I was surprised by how early it was, though possibly it’s in a little microclimate. I’m putting in two more peach trees and am thinking of our back orchard instead, which stays cooler longer. What cultivars do you have planted?
I have Contender, Redhaven, and a Flaming Fury late ripening peach, 40 days past Redhaven.
Last week when I sprayed my apples, I had one tree that was just loaded, every Tip had five apples or so. Now when I went out and checked them this morning, a bunch of them have disappeared. Each tip has maybe one or two apples. Does that mean they didn’t pollinate right?
Also, I’m curious, how many batches of PC y’all usually see each season? I saw evidence of some early on, and this morning looks like a fresh batch again.
Inspired by your success I downed 14 male persimmon trees yesterday, ranging from 8-13 inche I may have been a little late (?), the leaves were about “squirrel ear” size. in diameter. The big one estimated to be80’ by a forester. Any thoughts if these should send up root sprouts? If so, would they do it this year?
Still a little cleanup to do
I cut off a 5-6 inch persimmon in the edge of my field…about 3 ft high last spring and bark grafted to it. That was one that failed. Constant psyllid attacks.
Mid summer I noticed a nice shoot coming up about a foot away from the base of that tree.
It grew well last year… reaching 5 ft.
I am going to graft Mohler to it today.
Also out in my field… 15 ft. from the base of that tree… a nice persimmon came up… and grew to 3.5 ft tall. I have already grafted H118 to it this spring.
So…yes. I think there is a good chance your whacked off persimmon trees will be sending up root shoots.
I have had much better luck with whip/tounge grafts to the smaller persimmons 3-5 ft tall… than I did with bark grafts to larger trees.
I do have zima khurma and rich tooie… success with bark graft to 2-4 inch trees.
3 others failed.
On bark grafts to 2-6 inch trees… i had 2 of 5 success.
On whip tounge to 3-5 ft tall seedlings (or root shoots)… i had 5 of 6 success.
This spring… i am not doing any bark grafts… all w/t.
So far this spring… i have done whip/toung grafts to 3-5 ft tall seedlings (or root shoots) of kasandra … at my daughters place… and at my place H63A, H118, Journey, Saijo, Dar Sofiyivky.
I actually did 2 each of Journey and H63A.
Doing one more today of Mohler to a nice root shoot. That will be it for the year.
Most of those are showing bud swell now… or breaking thru parafilm.
I bark grafted 1 5-6 persimmon last spring. One of the 6 scions took (I was excited). Grew about an inch and died.
Hopefully I will have some sprouts to w/t graft next spring.
In the past, I’ve grafted in early May when leaves were about the size of “mouse ears” as some have said (Zone 6 near Cincinnati). This was typically about when temps reach about 80 degrees. I’d consistently get about 50% take rates over a few years of grafting. After visiting Cliff England, who I believe is the same zone 2 hours south, he said he grafts in late May. I’m guessing leaves would be near full size then and temps staying warm/hot. He would know far better than I the best time to graft, so I’m going to wait until later in May to graft and hopefully improve my success rates. Warmer zones likely dont need to wait that long but figured I would mention that in case its helpful to others.
I was going to graft paw paws this coming weekend. Is it too early. Leaves in SE Ohio are ! 1 1/2" now. Would I get a better success if I wait for them?
@ansayre … this morning… i grafted Mohler… actually a couple.
The first one is the location I mentioned above.
At the bottom of the image you can see that larger persimmon stump… I cut the rest of it off this morning… and right behind it… that really nice root shoot that came up last year. It grew to be chest high last season.
It was out with small leaves happening so I grafted. Also our foeecast the nezt week is mid 70s and 80s.
A decent W/T and pretty high on the rootstock so the scion and rootstock match on diameter.
First graft of Mohler done…
Just around my field a bit… another wild DV has a nice limb reaching out in the field for sunlight.
I did a mod cleft graft there since the rootstock quite a bit larger than the scion.
Hope both of these make it.
@hobilus … got that nice scion of Mohler grafted this morning. Thanks again for the trade.
How far out will the root sprouts come up (MMV of course) so I know how far to focus on the initial clearing? The 10 persimmons I dropped to make a “group clearing” will take a bit of work to make it clear, see the second picture. A couple of the trees actually felled onto the first stump that was cut. Your soil is clearly better than mine. Did you hit the areas with fertilizer after felling?
@ansayre … I do not know for sure.
I do know that after I cut the top off that 4-5 inch tree last year and the bark graft failed…
That one (seems obviously a root shoot) came up very near the tree stump.
Then later that summer i noticed another up… about 3 ft tall… about 15 ft out in my field from that stump.
Persimmons pop up in my fields all the time late spring thru summer. Cant say for sure that was a root shoot from that stump… but I think good chance it is.
The 10 I cut to make an opening were part of a group of more than two dozen. All male. I was so excited when I found the group and checked the last three years and no fruit. So seems like they are clonal from root system which would suggest that they can sprout a large distance away. So my idea was to clear 10 feet from each stump which is not quite trivial.
How had everyone’s fireblight pressure been? Ashmead’s Kernel and GoldRush, both potted, got hit. I keep meaning to trash GoldRush but haven’t got around to it. Just started spraying biofungicide (Revitalize) a week and a half ago, which was likely too late. I have an Ashmead’s in ground in mm111 and I hope I don’t regret that… the trees in the pots may be a little stressed so it’s not a particularly fair test.
My Liberty apple is fruiting for the first time and people here were not wrong when they said it’s an insect magnet. Normally I hit apples with Surround when they’re about the size of peas, but Liberty fruitlets had already been damaged. No other apples affected so early.
It’s going to be a great year for plums. Frost got me the last two years. My Ozark Premier are golf ball size. Since the trees have been fruitless for two years it seems like they have a lot of energy. I’m not sure it works that way.
I had 6 apple trees blooming this year… one a crab apple.
5 trees got several hits of fire blght… only the crab did not.
My gold rush had 5 or 6 hits early… i removed… then a week or so later it had a dozen more.
Its a goner. I actually ended up removing 3 trees… so many FB hits… nothing left … looked awefull.
My Novamac espellar had multiple hits on each of 4 scaffolds… i just removed the fruit spurs affected… it will probaby die.
Nasty year for FB here. I may give up on apples.