Using two year old wood for grafting

I know it is recommended to used growth from last year for scionwood but someone gave me some wood that is growth from two years ago. I am running low on scionwood and this is from a rare tree and it is too late to gather any more wood. Would it possibly take if I use it to graft?

Sure it will take. And grow if it has viable vegetative buds. The later is the real question.

Orchardman. I w/t grafted a few that was of two year wood. Most have started to grow and the others may start soon. One thing that I have noticed is that the ones that I completly wrapped with parafilm have started growing sooner. Good luck, Bill

What do you mean by that fruitnut?

Thanks Auburn

Old wood doesn’t always have viable vegetative buds. Meaning the graft could take but not grow. If you use it look for buds on the section used. And not fruit buds.

Thanks, the buds look good on it. I am going to try it.

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