Verticillium Wilt on Apricot and Maple

Within 30’ of each other and at exactly the same time this spring I lost an Apricot and Maple. I’ve had it diagnosed correctly.

Is there any fruit tree/fruiting shrub I can plant in these spots next year or when?

I had zero frosts this Spring while everyone else on the group was warming up and seeing bud break my trees remained dormant with perfect temperatures until they holding them back, and, not a single frost after they popped.

All the classic signs of verticillium Wilt occurred.


Lost two red bud trees to this wilt in a two different locations of my yard. Never put any trees, fruit or not at those spot

That’s what I figured people were going to tell me.

Thanks for chiming in.



I think I’ll just put an ornamental grass there or something, :grin:


Don’t give up so easily…if there are tomatoes and strawberries resistant to verticillium wilt, there must be fruit trees that are also!

Crabapple may have some resistance. I’ll do more reading.

Apple & pear are resistant or immune but I don’t know which. I have tons of pears. I’ll stick two of those in.


You can put an oak there. They don’t get VW.

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It’s my 1st orchard (#2 begins next year) and the maple was a Shantung maple with a natural fastigiate habit (a seedling) on the edge of. I’d rather have fruit trees but thanks, Bryan.


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I know. I was attempting humor :joy:

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