Hi Mark.
Before answering you, I will tell you that I have been reading about you , on the growingfruit forum for many years and we both have a predilection for the same fruit varieties .
It always caught my attention (and I had a bit of bad envy hahahahaha), for the Lady Nancy peach variety:
But it is a variety of peach with acidity (I hate the acidity in the peaches ).
I love the peach varieties, both with white and yellow flesh with these characteristics
- Large caliber
- High exterior coloration for red skin peaches
- Total yellow coloration for the cling peaches (for this type of peaches, I hate the red color on the insolated part)
- High brix of sugars
- Powerful flavor
- With very low acidity
And exactly the same for flat peaches and nectarines.
Just a few small examples:
- Extreme Great peach, yellow flesh red skin
- Cling Peach Jalon
- Cling Peach Poblet
- Flat Peach ASF-0795 Flatbeauty, white flesh
- Extreme Sunny nectarine , yellow flesh
Regarding Adesoto rootstock, it is used when the ground conditions are so suffocating or salinized , that there is no other choice.
Yes, it does have a tendency to emit suckers , especially in its juvenile state, which is corrected and practically stop to emit suckers when the tree is adult.
This rootstock, independently to its great resistance to soil problems, has two added advantages:
- Anticipate the harvest dates
- It greatly improves the size of the fruits
but it has the disadvantage of emitting sprouts in its youthful state .
At the amateur level, when soil conditions are really bad, this rootstock solves the problems.
Now let’s talk about my orchard.
Due to the climatic conditions of my region, very cold winters, extremely hot summers, and practically no humidity throughout the year due to the lack of rain, I have no problems with fungal diseases.
I only perform the winter treatment (two applications) by fumigation
- First application after the winter frosts
- Second application when the flower is in a pink button state
This floral state
The products that I apply are:
- Copper Oxychloride (will soon be restricted by the European Union, and Calcium Polysulfide will be used instead)
- Paraffin oil
For the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis Capitata), I do massive trapping with plastic bottles, using Diammonium Phosphate as an attractant, dissolved in water, and with a little food coloring, which provides a yellow color that is also attractant.
I don’t have many weed problems in my orchard due to the arid conditions, so using the brush cutter is sufficient