Is it possible to change your order? You might want to go with a lower vigor rootstock (M7, G890, etc.). Take a look at this thread-
Use the tree spacing calculator and the two references on scion vigor and see what spacings you get for your soil, rootstock, irrigation, etc.
If you manage the trees intensely a tight spacing may work. But many people struggle with this… they plan on a tight spacing then fail to prune enough to control tree height and width. I am not sure if 10 feet is a realistic height for an average vigor scion for M111. I think 14-16 feet is probably more realistic.
My neighbor had a Golden Delicious on a “semi-dwarf” rootstock (probably M111) the tree wasn’t pruned and ended up being 30 feet tall and about as wide. I have a Enterprise on G41 in it’s fourth leaf and it is about 12 feet tall. If I didn’t do size control pruning it would be 15 feet tall.