Violette de Bordeaux Fig

Surprised to see a VDB that is tall, most seem to take shrub form from the get go. I would cut it like BYOC and form scaffolds where I want them. I like tree form myself, and would want a couple feet of trunk. You can do anything, it will sprout from the ground if you cut it all off, so you can cut anywhere, or not cut anywhere.

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What is BYOC?

I’d cut it at 18". Branches will sprout in the spring.

Back Yard Orchard Culture.Check out the Dave Wilson Nursery website for more information. Brady

I like the idea of developing a scaffold system, with secondary branching remaining permanent. Each year you let the main crop develop on the new wood from the secondary branches. Cut that wood off each year. The tree shape would never change.

What is awesome about figs is you can have a redo, Just do what Richard says, cut at 18" and start over. Amazing plants.

I have to grow in pots, so the single trunk appeals to me. It would be easy to move with a dolly. Shrub types forms are going to lose branches when I move them. With a single trunk the branching is high enough for easy access with a dolly.

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New sprouts, including a couple of brebas :slight_smile:


Richard, that VdB is a beauty! So exciting to watch it progress! It’s interesting that you can create scaffolds, etc. where you live. I have seen pics of old fig trees grown in such a manner, much like other trees… very interesting and nice looking. Here in the Mid-Atlantic area our figs often die to the ground in winter, so any attempt to influence their form would be an exercise in futility.

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I’m planning on trying to root a cutting of VdB this year; out of curiosity, did you root yours from a cutting, or buy as-is (or as-was :slight_smile: )?

It was purchased bareroot (DWN).

And this looks like pictures over less than a year, yes? Pretty amazing! Thanks for sharing! You Californians have it good! :smiley:

Gorgeous VdB tree. I planted mine, also from DWN but not bare root, last spring. It’s leafing out nicely now, but I do not see any brebas. Hopefully I will get some fruit a little later in the year.

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I didn’t know DWN sold bare root figs. I thought figs and pomegranates were always sold potted.

Possibly, it seems to me I pulled it out of the bare root beds at Green Thumb Nursery a few years ago.


My VdB tree has only been in the ground a year and it’s quite bushy. It’s also a DWN tree, but it came in one of those industry 1G pots that are tall and thin. The whole container was pretty much full of roots. No sign of fruit yet, but I’m still hopeful that I will get some this year.


I’m so jealous of y’all! My new V d B is happily sitting there, waiting to bud out. Fig leaves are pretty late here.

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Mine is dormant and probably mad at me for giving it a haircut while it was hibernating. A few people wanted cuttings for trade. I’m in 5b! This fig here starts very late, most of mine are starting to grow, but this one is still waiting. As are my in ground figs.
My in ground all survived this year. One is 5 feet tall. We don’t get those wide temp swings the South and the Northeast get. All my plums are fine when many were wiped out in the Northeast and South.Well the fruit buds wiped out. All my plum fruit buds are fine.Deep cold kills fruit buds here, and it was a mild winter. 2 years ago it was -16F one night. That killed many (but not all) fruit buds. It probably would have killed my figs if I had them at that time. I just put them in a year ago. I’ll savor this year!

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Well I took your advice and cut it to about 18" and here is what it looks like now.
It looks pretty good to me although the larger leaves curl a bit. I imagine that may be water conservation on hot days. I can’t wait for some figgys to grow!


I’ve heard that VdBs will wilt a bit in the heat, but they’ll perk right back up after a watering.

Mine will exhibit a bit of leaf cupping in the mid-afternoon but then relax again towards evening.