(Images uploaded sideways for some reason.)
Planted this walnut several years ago and it’s ID is lost. It is believed to be an english, but can anyone confirm what type it is?
Hairy leaves = butternut
serrated edges = black walnut (Nigra or Hindsii)
glabrous leaves = Persian walnut
White bark = Japanese walnut
Based on the traits, you have a persian walnut.
Persian is what I thought it was, but can you further educate for my benefit? Looks just like the heartnuts next to it.
I can’t guarantee this, but the bark is the clue. All walnuts have variation in bark color including some black walnuts with silver bark. Look at a Persian walnut tree and compare with your Japanese walnuts. You should be able to see a difference in the bark which combined with the leaves suggests Persian.
If anyone is curious, I can post a picture of a black walnut with silver bark which is a common trait in northeast Alabama.
While I have you, are you familiar with the variety chandler (persian)? It’s supposed to crop faster and is also a tip bearer. I was going to graft several seedling blacks over to it, but want to make sure it lives up to the hype.
Yes, I know a bit about Chandler. It can have problems from excess pollen availability which causes fruit abortion. It is most adapted to certain climates in central California. I don’t know where you live, but your zone says 6b/7a which suggests Chandler would not be a good choice. Check with Clifford England to see if he has scionwood for Allegheny which is a variety adapted to your climate. It was developed in Pennsylvania.
Yeah, it was a video from the CA nut growers groups bragging about how great it was. Persians grow fine here (VA). As to variety cropping I wouldn’t know. Their trees were impressive though. They were 6 years old, extremely small, and in full production. Maybe I will just do two and expand the varieties more. If heartnut were bigger fruits I would only grow it. It loves the east coast. Grows and crops fast.