Washington Navel Orange *#1

This plant came back after a hard freeze last winter. It starts to grow like clock work. It starts in December and stop growing in June.
Here is what it looked like the day I brought it home.



Interesting. Our full size grown inground Washington Navel flower like clock work late Feb, early March. With fully ripe oranges, in about a month from now. They are just starting to turn deep orange now, in fact.

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You can set your watch by them.

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Are the big naval Oranges that sell at the markets this time of year,Washington?bb

Yes. They ripen shortly after Xmas/Jan/Feb here in NorCal. Probably earlier near @Richard

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My tree before the flush (but full of oranges).


Great pics!

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Well I did more damage to it moving it in and out. Luckily the re growth has started. Now putting out new branches and the most blooms I’ve seen on this little tree.
Here are some flowers this morning Feb 8


Here is a big cluster. It’s incredible going from three flowers last year to this! Maybe I’ll get an orange or two. This is going on it’s third year.
Feb 28


It’s put out the first leaves of the year… I took the remaining old ones off due to scale that it fights at some point over winter.
Pic from yesterday