So after a slow summer, the navels are starting to bulk up a little. Looking forward to a nice sweet bounty in a few months.
Very nice looking trees and fruit!
Hopefully I get more of them this winter, as the tree rats seemed to also develop a taste for fresh oranges.
5 months?
Normally they get pretty good mid/late dec. But the ones I leave on the tree really sweeten up feb.
They aren’t considered ripe until they sweeten up! Perhaps you’re too used to supermarket oranges?
Oh no, I don’t even care for supermarket oranges. My oranges are as sweet as orange crush soda
Well then I think you know that with oranges – color is not an indication of ripeness. We wouldn’t consider them ripe until Feb.-Mar. in Crafton/Mentone nor should you in your location .
Oh I know, they certainly get better as spring ticks on, it’s just I’m not patient enough to start snacking once the acid levels gets bearable lol
Not only did I grow up in a neighborhood surrounded by 100’s of acres of oranges – my uncle grew over 1000 acres of Citrus just a dozen miles away, and it was also my relative Howard Frost who propagated Washington in the first place! So yes … I’ll get a bit testy about when it’s ripe.
Wow, that’s pretty cool. I have to say, when they are “fully” ripe they are unbelievably delicious!
The way things are going we will have to import citrus soon. Enjoy while you can.
Citrus greening disease found in TX and CA now. Just a matter of time looking at what happened in Florida. Soon all urban/suburban trees will be destroyed to stop the spread.
We may have to genetically modify all citrus to save it. Yeah that bad, no cure yet.
Greening arrived in Manatee County about 2005 and is believed to afflict every commercial grove in Florida. So you got 10 more good years, maybe we can solve it by then?
Citrus greening disease, or Huanglongbing (HLB), is considered to be the
most destructive disease of citrus. It is endemic in large parts of
Asia and Africa, and has recently invaded the Americas. It is caused by a
bacterium which is transmitted by insects called psyllids. There is no
cure for greening, and the lengthy latent period after infection makes
eradication almost impossible.The disease is now in Brazil, Cuba,
Belize, southern Mexico and six US states (California, Florida,
Louisiana. South Carolina, Georgia, Texas).
Thank you Drew. Six states, wow, that’s everywhere in US that can grow citrus in-ground.
I was listening to the CA Farmer’s Report radio show with Fred Hoffman (Farmer Fred) Excellent show. And in CA they are trying to contain it, but nobody has succeeded in that. It looks like the trucks carrying the fruit are what is spreading it as they go from orchard to orchard.
Citrus can be grown in-ground in parts of Arizona and New Mexico. But parts of western Az adjoining CA are also under quarantine for presence of the psyllid.
@Drew51 Hawaii is also under quarantine for the psyllids. The entire territory of Puerto Rico is under quarantine for both the psyllids and HLB. Puerto Rico, along with Georgia and Florida are the only states/territories whose entire areas are under quarantine for both. Here in SC, it’s just a tiny coastal area adjacent to Georgia that has remained quarantined for the past few years. Most of that is for the presence of the psyllid, only. Neither the bacterium, nor the psyllids, have been found in the rest of the state. That’s probably because we are outside the area where citrus is a commercially viable crop. We don’t have weather conducive to the survival of the psyllids or long term outdoor survival of even most types of healthy citrus.
Yes, it’s been devastating for the Florida citrus industry, especially coming on the heals of their battle with citrus canker. I think of the California commercial growers as being very fortunate that this disease hit the Florida industry first. That gives CA the advantage of millions of dollars of research funding and a head start of quite a few years worth of intensive research on understanding and combating the disease, and in developing new cultivars/rootstock combos which demonstrate abilities to remain productive with marketable fruits, and/or resistant to the bacteria. Sugar Belle, developed by the University of FL, and purported to produce exceptionally good fruit, is one such variety. However, it’s my understanding that when they sold the marketing rights, those rights were sold with the stipulation that the trees could not be sold to CA.
Very interesting. At the end of the day, I think we’ll never see the day when there is no more citrus. Worst case, they can be grown in green houses until a cure has been found. For now, I’ll just admire my current crop as it matures/sweetens up
AZ yes for sure. That is good citrus country at lowest elevations. But NM, you must know something I don’t.
There is no cure. It is a genetic weakness in most citrus and citrus rootstocks used outside of eastern Asia. Breeding efforts are in full swing. In Florida they are experimenting with a resistant rootstock with non-resistant cultivar on top, then removing the fruitwood every 3-5 years once the disease sets in. In California, anyone propagating Citrus trees must be in a quarantine-free county or keep their stock in a pest-free greenhouse. Durling has already spent over $3 million on new housing.
If I do, that’s not it. I don’t know what I was thinking when I typed New Mexico.