I know, not fruit or veggie related, but thought I’d pass on a little story about an encounter I had yesterday. I’m sure I’m not the only one that this has happened to, but thought I’d share my experience.
We were about to get some storms in the area in the afternoon, so thought I’d go down to our barn and shut the big wood doors. I grabbed the left door handle and was pushing the door, and suddenly, zap, zap! Apparently I had disturbed a wasper nest right by the handle and before I knew it I got stung on my left hand right on two knuckles.
You talk about painful! It felt like someone was taking a balpeen hammer and whacking my hand for about the first five minutes. I came back up to the house and my wife said, “here, let me put some kerosene on it”. Apparently, that is one of many local home remedies for bug stings. It did help a little bit, but still hurt some.
I thought that that’d be it, that it might hurt a bit more overnight and then it’d be OK. Well, this morning the back of my hand had swollen up, especially by the two knuckles. It seems to have got a bit worse as the day has gone on, as the back of my hand looks like I’ve been punching a wall. It’s also somewhat painful to make a fist.
I took an anti-inflammatory this morning for it, which helped with the pain, but not the swelling. I suppose it will eventually go back down. So, needless to say, guess I’d better watch where I’m reaching next time!
I’ve been stung by bees in the past, but not waspers, the bee stings aren’t nearly as bad. A little swelling, but not like this. I would imagine all you guys dealing with fruit have had similar experiences with stinging insects, yes?