Waxing Deciduous
Dax’s Recipe
Box of paraffin wax from grocery or hardware store. Cut the box in half. That gives you (8) pieces. Cut those in half. You now have (16) 1 oz pieces.
For 1 gallon:
1 piece (1 oz)
For Field Grafting: 1 piece (1 oz) + .25 oz. Beeswax
Heat wax + water to 180F and allow to drop to 160F. Once at 160F start dipping quickly if temperature cannot be kept.
A 1.1 liter deep fryer is the best way I know to dip scions. Fill with water leaving 1" of the reservoir at the top. Add .25 oz paraffin for bench grafts inside a greenhouse. Add .25 oz paraffin to .1 oz beeswax for scions to be grafted outdoors or for bench grafts to be healed, outdoors.
In advance "tune the deep fryer dial." Once you find the spot on the dial where the temp stays a consistent 160F, put duct tape over the dial so it cannot move.
The perfect consistency of wax on a scion is a very thin coating. Dip quickly and hold for a second or two and the wax will be fully dry.