Weird tomato growth - herbicidal drift damage?

I posted about this issue in the thread about how close to spray with roundup, but thought I’d start a new thread. I’m seeing some very weird growth on tomatoes I have planted at my community plot. A little over a month ago someone sprayed roundup around their plot about 40 feet away. They may have actually sprayed more recently as well, but I’m not sure. No body between me and them had tomatoes in at the time they first sprayed at least, so I don’t have any other tomatoes to compare for similar signs.

Anyway, I’d be curious what people think of what I’m seeing in this video and if they think it could be anything besides roundup.

Wow, that is strange and not great. I really think if it was ‘round-up’ the leaves would be more yellow and your plants would be dying. Its a fungus, (bacterial?). Just my guess.

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I very much doubt roundup would do that but other herbicides would.


Interesting. Do you know what herbicide would? I didn’t see the person spray, but it is total death to all vegetation around his plot. People see someone spray, they just assume roundup, but maybe he sprayed something else.

Could be a popular one like Ortho Weed B Gone containing 2,4-D dimethylamine. Roundup works on the roots so plant stops taking up nutrients and plant will show effect by losing it’s green color and dying.

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Thanks. Makes sense.

The attached picture is glyphosate (round-up) damage. Glyphosate isn’t a plant hormone type herbicide (like the auxin herbicides), so it shouldn’t be causing weird growth. That one short and compact one reminds me of some of the bush tomato varieties (like Patio). It could also be weird virus damage.
The plants look healthy despite the growth, and are producing. Have you asked the breeder if the plants grow differently?

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Thanks for the picture. With that and the other comments here, I’ve ruled out Roundup. If I see the other gardener I need to ask what he was spraying to see if that might be it. I grow around 35 types of tomatoes, all heirloom/open-pollinated types, so while varieties grow differently, I’m definitely seeing some consistent weirdness, particularly the curly growth.

I initially thought of it possibly being a virus and that could still be it. But, as you say, they are growing okay (except for that one runty one at the start of the row) and fruiting, so I’ll let them go and hope for the best.

I’ll try to remember to update this thread later this season just so folks can see what became of the plants.

Zen I have had heirloom tomatoes in the past that had strange looking tops and early fruits that were doubles. I simply cut the tops off. It stopped. They were Brandywines.

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I have seen that as well on one of my heirloom tomatoes. I hadn’t sprayed any herbicide, and it didn’t repeat.

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