My wife has hundreds of daylilies, asiatic/oriental/trumpet and other types of lilies. What really excited her today though was this find of a native “wild” lily, growing 20’ off the side of our driveway. Canada Lily
I found one on the side of the road a few years ago! Had to dig it up and bring it home, I believe it’s yellow.
Yeah, they come in reds and yellows I believe. I’ve only ever seen the red ones around here. And not many of those, they are far from common here. There’s a clump of 5 of them looks like. Trade a red for a yellow?
Love apricot-colored roses. What is yours called?
We like to know the names or the varities of flowers posted, please.
Mamuang, the apricot rose is called Marilyn Monroe. I’ve added the names to the posts.
Your roses are very clean. My roses (leaves) will get black spot by mid July.
I love ZD. I had it for several years but it got black spot badly. The fragrance was wonderful. The shocking pink color brighten up the garden. Its thornlessness is a big plus.
It’s a beautiful orchard
I do a once every two week spray of Captan and Immunox for diseases along with a systemic insecticide / fungicide drench at the start of the season. My biggest issue doesn’t seem to be leaf problems but rather Botrytis Blight and Ghost Spotting on the petals. I have recently started adding Daconil which should hopefully treat the Botrytis Blight and maybe the Ghost Spotting.
Did you grow any watermelon this year? Your watermelons from prior year were huge. Any tricks to get them that big?
@tonyOmahaz5 , once the melons form,qq water water and more water. 3 gallons per vine per day and no more than 3 melons per vine.
I got 4 watermelon vines going and hopefully I can get a few big ones from your water instruction and 3 melons per vine. .