I first knew them as Leopard Flower. Then after hearing the name Blackberry Lily I knew where that name must have came from (seeds).
Interesting about the seeds. Up until they bloomed last week, I kept expecting bearded irises, and was wonder why they were so late.
These grow along our country road… took a pic while walking with my wife this eve… enjoy them every year… late summer… fall.
Some of the Current ones
Tournament of Roses
Trumpet vine blooming first time ever
Some from July
Red hot poker back in June
Love your lilies!!!
Thank you! Me too the pictures do not do the colors justice
Mexican Tuberose has been blooming for a little while. I overwintered in the basement. Has done great. Smells amazing.
All the rain in coastal Massachusetts 6a has been good for our hydrangeas. This is my first year growing roses, instant gratification! Lilies and honeysuckle are happy. This big losers are the clematis, 20+ plants and barely any flowers.
Your garden could make Martha Stewart envious. Beautiful.
My mother’s alcea rosea. These are great because they reseed themselves. Also, they sprout back from the roots if they are mowed. For the last 15 years or so, we have not once planted one of these. When they sprout in spring, we just decide which ones we let be and which ones are in an unsuitable location.
By the end of summer the leaves are very ugly with a kind of rust, which is when we mow them them, and put them on the compost pile.
That’s invasive here in Florida. And it chokes out everything it touches. I try and kill it but it never goes away. Pretty flower at least.
I think you mean aggressive. It can’t be invasive to a place it’s native.
Do you like its fruit when ripe?
Never tried it. And yes aggressive is a better word. Let’s say extremely aggressive here…LOL. dang stuff…