What bug is this on my peaches, grapes, and apples?

What bug is this on my peaches, grapes, and apples???

It is a little longer than a quarter inch, and is relatively easy to grab and catch with one’s bare fingers.

They don’t fly away, and are very active in mating right now here in central Kentucky.

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Those are leaf miner beetles I believe. Locust leaf miners.

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I see. Yes, that is it! Thank you for helping me to identify it.

Is it something I should be concerned about?

Do any of the sprays we already do for apples, peaches, grapes, be effective on the Locust Leafminer?

John in Kentucky

I know this is a wild and crazy idea, but what if you actually read the article that Noddykitty linked?


Thank you, yes, of course I did! I guess I am a hands on kind of person, who also likes to learn and connect directly with people.