What can I grow for an early harvest?

Dont plant it but you should have no problem finding it now. Garlic mustard is every ware harvest with impunity


really? i know they’re tough. they grow wild anywhere wet here along rivers and creeks. I’ve always thought them as a northern plant. i stand corrected!


They are in a wet spot, beautiful moss carpet underneath. The neighbors have some in slightly more sun and less water that are not as aggressive but still doing OK.


they are such a nice fern. we used to pick the fiddleheads . they’re for sale in the stores everywhere up here right now.

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I looked at ferns at the local garden center yesterday but didn’t know which varieties would be good for fiddleheads. They didn’t have ostrich.

I’m going to keep that one in mind though.

I did pick up some asparagus. Any tips on planting/growing? This was a big pot with several asparagus plants growing, probably from roots planted this spribg. Should I plant them together or separate them?

i just planted 4 under my big spruces. got them from either jung or park seed. they spread by rhizomes pretty quick so the bed will fill out fast. they need dappled light rich organic soil in a non windy wet spot. if theres moss growing , chances are they will grow there. people around here dig them from the wild and plant around the foundations on the north sides of their houses.

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That’s gorgeous. I’m definitely going to get me some to grow here now. They are very tasty, and that would be fun to harvest so early in the year.