What can you do with a ripe cacao pod?

I new it had to far from me. I was just wondering if they sold them in the South but Hawaii sounds right.

Time for an update!

I just scrolled through the thread. The first seedling popped up 20 days ago. I took the following pics yesterday evening. That’s 10 days since the previous series. Ten days makes a BIG difference in their growth.

An observation that I found very interesting was that even as the top continues to grow and produce more leaves, there is new growth lower on the stem (future trunk). The additional growth is originating from the funny looking cotyledon area as depicted in the following two photos.


Thought I’d share these photos with everyone. This is on one of my 3 years old cacao trees.


Flower buds? Does that excite you? Do you have others that have flowered?

I wish you well getting them to set and mature!

I thought Muddy was the only one growing them. I think they are exciting just to watch you guys grow them. I wish I could!

Do you have current pictures? I can see where this is going if we fast forward 2 years you will be grafting the cacao with the biggest pods and most fruit on the others!


Clark, I do need to take more pics. I was thinking that the other day.

It’s one of those things that I have to squeeze in some time to do during the evening. Although most of the things I have to do in the evening are because I can’t handle the heat during the day, with the cacao it’s because the sunlight would fry them during the day, especially while they are so young. Cacao is a forest understory tree that grows in the shade. So, I have to wait until the sun is low, but get them set up and photographed before the light gets too low.

I’ll get some update photos soon. I promise. :slight_smile:


@MuddyMess_8a How are they doing? Are they staying healthy? How Big are they?