What causes Persimmon leaf curl?

I appreciate this suggestion; I will do a soil test.

To make what I am describing easier to understand, a few images.

These (above) were the leaves on that Hachiya back in August 2022.

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Below, the leaves in August 2023.

I hope to see continued improvement. Below, you can see the Hachiya at left, and a PVNA Chocolate persimmon at right. In-between is a Pakistan mulberry.

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youre pictures look like psyllid damage to me @Left_Coaster. particularly the last picture, which shows the damage on the tips of the new apical leaves. this is exactly what ive been seeing here since this bug’s arrival this season. im still getting to know this pest, but I strongly suspect that in addition to whatever direct damage they do, they also infect the leaves with fungal and/or bacterial pathogens. if you unfurl those curled up tips, see if there arent a number of small aphid-esque bugs hanging out


I have not seen any psyllids that I can recall, but then again, I can’t recall what I had for breakfast.

This suggestion jogged my failing memory, however, and I do recall seeing some of these sharpshooter sap-suckers, mostly on the mulberry, but maybe on the persimmons.

I looked as you suggested, but see nothing aphid-wise in the curled leaves.

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its the nymphs that are shrouded in wooly stuff. . Persimmon Psyllid | NC State Extension Publications


Are these leaf spots from overzealous watering?

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All my persimmon seedlings leaves have turned rough. Would it be possible to query your friend Cristina what is the problem?



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Alan, I have edited my answer, since Alex (my friend who specializes in persimmons) and I have not been satisfied with the first impression that it could be nutritional deficiency, because the problem that you have, we do not have in Spain.
You have an attack of Aceria theospyri mites (in Spain there are no mites that attack persimmon), which is why I had to investigate the matter.

This is the Aceria theospyri mite, which attacks persimmon in the United States.


What I don’t know is which acaricidal products are authorized for persimmon in the United States, but it shouldn’t be a very worrying pest.

You already have the diagnosis, now you must look for the right product to combat it in your country.

Best regards