Thanks @RandallW and @fruitgrower. Jon lives in Orangevale and has all the advantages of ideal central valley fruit growing weather (hot summers and enough chill) which I could only wish for Although our spring weather shouldn’t be too different, the timing of my recently planted Sauzee Swirl is probably due to the fact that its a first year fruit (which usually ripen out of season). It does motivate me to graft some early season varieties though - TastyRich, Nicole and Earlitreat, which I didn’t previously think will produce decent quality fruit in my area.
@Monardella to answer your question - its too early to tell for me. I sprayed the neighboring PeachyKeen with Joe Real’s Italian Salad dressing spray. I think it worked well, but many of the grafts that leafed out (grafted after spraying) had bad leaf curl which spread to the host tree mildly. Sauzee Swirl next to it does not show any curl so far, but I should have better assessment next year.