What Hawaiian fruit to try

I’m in Hawaii now and just had some great longon with small pits. Is there any fruit that I should make sure that I try while I am there?

I’m in Chinatown in Honolulu at the moment, but will visit the big island in a few days.

The pomelo was merely average(a bit dry with lots of seeds), but the longon was very good with melon overtones.


White Sapote.


Try some good Mangos, super sweet pineapples, sweet Hawaiian papaya, sugarcance juice, soursop, Jack fruit, Lychees if in season, sapadillo, custard apple, Star fruit, and milk fruit.



Some ice cream bean and different Garcinias - Achacha especially


If you can find them, a good ripe white sapote is amazing. It’s my favorite tropical fruit. Any of the longan, rambutan, etc is good.

Also, we found what I think was a wild strawberry guava growing on the big island. The fruit was amazing!


Aloha enjoy it over there. I’d be searching for some rare homegrown avocados too :avocado:


Ripe jackfruit is pretty good also. The big island has lots of naturalized fruit growing wild you can pick. Different species of guava was common.


Looks like a couple people like white. I’ll need to Google that one a bit more and see if I can find it. Here are a couple of other interesting ones that I saw. Chico and vapple.

I got one of these mangoes. I really thought about getting one of the huge pomellos here, as it felt much denser than the one I had earlier, so it was probably juicier.

Before I saw that, I had already bought this weird one, with a long neck and a couple small Hawaiian banannas.


Definitely try the Chico sapodilla
The long curvy mangoes look like Nam Doc Mai to me, a great tasting mango


I highly recommend browsing Instagram for Florida Fruit Geek and seeing if any of the cool stuff he grows is available.

From the book The Fruit Hunters I’m re-listening to, I’m most interested in sampling jaboticaba, peanut butter fruit, and fresh miracle berries. One of the places visited was Hawaii towards the beginning of the book so it might be worth the read/listen on a relaxing beach day.


As @disc4tw mentioned, peanut butter fruit is unique and tasty. I’d also recommend some of the rare passionfruit varieties. You’ll find a lot of lilikoi (yellow P. edulis), but those are not my favorite. Hilo farmers market on the Big Island would be a good bet.


“Vapple” looks like white sapote based on the picture.

Chico is actually sapodilla.

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Careful buying bananas in Hawaii. A lot of them are not grown locally, but are re-sold by as “locally grown” in tourist trap markets.


Aloha from Maui Bob,

Hope you’re having a nice time! The rains have finally let up, hope it’s the same in Honolulu. I haven’t been there for many years and never on the Big Island. Unfortunately, you’re probably too late for mangoes. If you get tempted, make sure there’s no sticker as Mexican mangoes can be prevalent in touristy areas. If you see any pink “hairy” fruit, give them a try (rambutan) similar to longan to me. If you’re feeling brave, try durian but they are $$$.

It looks like there are some fruit tours on the Big Island. If you haven’t already, consider that route.


The bananas were excellent. Sweet, but with the hint of tartness that bananas don’t normally have.

On the other hand, the 2nd pomelo was worthless. The neck part had no fruit, as expected. But the flesh was both seedy and quite dry.

Here’s a pic of us hiking in the Diamond head crater this morning.

Are sapote and sapodilla similar?


Sapodilla and mamey, also sometimes sold as brown sapote are similar.

White sapote is completely unrelated and very different. Its closest relative is actually citrus, although the fruit is nothing akin to citrus.

Black sapote is another unrelated species similar to persimmon.

Have fun! If you get a chance spend some time snorkeling. You won’t regret it.


That’s a really old one then. Try getting a plump one without a neck :grin:

Pink guava, yellow passion fruit, mangosteen, Mahachanok Mango, pink pineapple if it hasn’t been mentioned yet

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I recently tried ripe white sapote while at Exotica Rare Fruit Nursery down in Vista, CA. That stuff was incredibly sweet, like honey.

Down in Mexico I’ve bought mamey sapote from the grocery store before. Not quite as sweet, and instead it tasted exactly like a good date.

Hope you get to taste all the fruit in Hawaii! I hope to do similar in Fiji.


A Henway.

I thought the neck might be a slightly novel version of it, but it doesn’t seem so. I regretted buying that one as soon as I saw one that was twice as big and Appeared to be juicier at a different vendor.

Our only day in Honolulu, but we have a few more stops, including Hilo next Saturday. I’m hoping to stop by Green Garden Guy’s nursery. He has a YouTube channel, So maybe I can find some of those interesting things at his place. Or he can direct me to where I might find them.

At Hilo, we’ll have a rental car, unlike today where we were taking the bus and walking (20k+ steps, many going up and down a volcano crater). So we should be able to get some more places.

I still have the

The place that I got the mango from said that it was locally grown. And I haven’t seen this kind in stores before, so it seems at least possible. I haven’t tried it yet, as we ate several pounds of longan, some bananas, persimmons and 1.x pomelos today, so there wasn’t a lot of room left in our bellies. We’ll probably eat it when we get back to the shop tomorrow.

Tomorrow, we hike Hawaii’s version of the Grand Canyon, but I believe we should get some snorkeling in at Maui the next day and a lot in at Kona on the day after.

Saw some and almost got it. But I wasn’t sure how quickly able to get to eating it and I’ve never been a big fan of papaya. Maybe that is just because I haven’t gotten it from Hawaii before. Now I feel bad that I didn’t buy it, especially since it was fairly inexpensive.