What I do when the weather is cold

I have always thought that the holes in my fruit bags were just so-so. Cold weather brings out the creative side of me. I’m not sure if this is an improvement or not but I enjoy the process.

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I’m now working on a 100 bag form. This size should get the job done faster.

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I hope I have some pears to bag this year but I haven’t started making bags yet. I think that might be counting my chickens before they hatch so to speak, lol.

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I didn’t realize punching holes was part of the process. You could craft a mass perforator with two pieces of plywood hinged together- one with holes and the other with small nails that line up. That would make it real quick.


I don’t think that was the point. Spring is a ways away! :smile:

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I wrapped a peice of steal with a ziploc bag and after 6 months it was coming apart at the seams. This means the bags must be in bad shape by the end of the season. Sunlight in Kansas is hot and bright but not like it is in Texas or Florida! Is it the holes that make them last and keep them from cooking fruit?

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but you know what? While one’s whiling away this winter-- might as well do a punxsutawney prediction by setting up a motion-activated videocam at the mouth of a groundhog’s den…


I like this idea. A simple bellow style device with a hundred roofing nails. Just like closing a waffle iron. I’d think nearly everyone would have that scrap laying around their garage.

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