Wow, all this fruit looks great, the ice cream and the potatoes too! Nice haul Bob! I’m still picking blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and everbearing strawberries.
I’ve done that, as well as cooking them in the oven with butter. This morning I had pan fried (boil first, then crisp them up a bit with minimal coconut oil).
The apricots were OK, but not fully ripe. They are at 15-16 brix and still pretty firm. I’ll wait a few more days, then pick the rest, hopefully before the raccoon.
I just got my first Triple Crown yesterday and the first tomato (Big Beef) is just about ripe.
Drew, those are some big blackberries- what variety are they?
The green is minimized I think? I’ll let you know! I had one ripe, and it looks as interesting inside. the taste is good old fashioned tomato, a nice acid-sugar balance, it’s top rate if you ask me. And so is Indian Stripe pictured below with a Costoluto Fiorentino also on the plate.
Some ripe boysenberries, so ripe some are falling apart, they are awesome when almost too ripe.
This is a few I missed from this morning’s harvest. I checked deep into the patch and pulled these out. Some will rot and fall off, so many, so dense, hard to get them all. These will be used for jam. These berries are amazing as jam.
Drew, Always love to see your garden pictures. I saw the lower bottom one in Paris, Costoluto Fiorentino is the name? I love to try to grow this next year.
Yes, Costoluto is Italian for “ribbed”. So a ribbed tomato from Florence. Many Costoluto’ exist for each region of Italy. I’m trying Costoluto Di Parma too, and grew Costoluto Genovese last year.
I save seeds, so in the fall just PM me, and I’ll send any seeds you want…
Costoluto Di Parma - One of our all time favourites. This stunning old
fashioned heirloom variety from ITALY produces lots of large flat round
shaped bright red tomatoes. The sweet taste and meaty flesh with few
seeds an all round delicious tomato. Tomatoes are flattened globe shaped
and slightly ribbed and can grow to a weight of 10 - 12 oz. Great for
stuffed tomatoes. Very productive for an heirloom variety. good old
fashioned tomato taste either in a salad or perfect for cooking in sauces.
Indeterminate. A large squashed ribbed tomato from Parma in the region of
Emilia -Romagna.A mid-early vigourous plant producing meaty fruits with
few seeds and “old fashioned” flavour. This particular variety has been
around for a long time and highly revered in this food producing region
Purchased from biotom49 on EBay (owns 50 acre certified organic farm)
Costoluto Fiorentino -
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type regular
Fruit color red
Fruit shape irregular, ribbed, beefsteak
Fruit size medium
Fruit type slicer
Variety type heirloom
Country Italy
Tomato Costoluto Fiorintino. Large heirloom beefsteak type from Florence.
Red, 12-16 ounces slightly flattened fruit. Outstanding taste. 75-80 days.
Large vigorous Indeterminate plant with good production. This makes a
really nice sauce also, especially the quick cooked type.
Purchashed from Seeds From Italy
Costoluto Genovese -
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type regular
Fruit color red
Fruit shape irregular, ribbed, beefsteak
Fruit size medium
Fruit type slicer
Variety type open-pollinated, heirloom
Country Italy
Italian, heat-loving, heirloom tomato that has been enjoyed for many
generations along the Mediterranean. Large, deep-red fruits have a
singularly fluted profile, are deeply ridged, and heavily lobed. Meaty,
full-flavored, slightly tart, and delicious. Because of its scalloped
edges, perfect for use in an arrangement of different colored sliced
tomatoes. Makes a rich and pungent pasta sauce. Thomas Jefferson grew these
and mentions them in 1782 in his State of Virgina Address.
obtained from Nancyruhl at TomatoVille - This is brokenbar strain
brought back from Italy. No germination
Fresh source from Baker Creek Heirloom seeds
Drew,Thanks for the rich information of the origin of this ribbed tomatoes and the generosity of offering the seeds. I recall the one I saw was a heirloom and was called accordion by the person who sales it. It just such a neat and interesting looking thing, the red is so saturated with beautiful shine. Can’t wait for next year to grow one of these ribbed type tomatoes
My first ever Freedom Blackberry pick and consumed without any hesitation. Can I just say wow? It had no black on it yesterday and today it was mostly ripe by looking at the color. Yes I should have left it on the bush a little longer until it was dull but I picked the sweetest blackberry of all my others including triple crown, arapaho and natchez. One berry is a small sample to get so excited about but my others have been somewhat disappointing from the fresh consumption standpoint. Bill
As new plants go it is relatively new. Several others on this forum are trying it out. These were developed by John Clarks group from the Uninersity of Arkansas. It is the first thornless primacane bearing blackberry released. Bill