What is everyone eating from their orchard today?


you give me high hopes for my spring tree order, keep the reports coming.

Adorable child! Nice apple too!

Eating a small bunch of Somerset Seedless Grapes off a vine I ordered from Stark Bros a few years back… which aren’t seedless.

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Taste tested a Mollie apple from my tree. As expected it was a mild sweet apple that does well in the south. Bill

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Hopefully in a few months, these American persimmons will be ready to harvest.



Beautiful Tony!

Making some elderberry jelly.


What a glorious sight! :blush:

This is what I picked this weekend…

NECTA ZEE: Sweet, Firm but Juicy, Strong Peachy flavor, Strong aromatic hits when it gets to the back of the throat reminds me of a strong guava aroma ( crazy huh??)


SATURN PEACH : Very sweet and juicy but bland. Very weak peach flavor. I will be trying to (1) squeeze a little lemon juice and drying them to concentrate some of the flavor and then try to freeze some…

They are small. I guess I didn’t thin enough. I took off over 200 fruitets and yesterday I counted 380 still on the tree. the tree is only six feet tall and about 10 feet across.

All in all I am disappointed in the flavor. I am thinking to top work the tree with TangOs and maybe leave one branch of Saturns.



All of your fruit is great!!! But oh those Saturns! You have tons of them. What will you do with them?

This is the first year that I have to deal with volume.

I will be experimenting with freezing and dehydrating and any other suggestions I can get here.

Of course I am sharing with neighbors, friends and family.

This coming weekend will be a test as I am sure I will be harvesting a bunch of " Hardired" nects, “Santa Rosa” plums, “Redhaven” peaches




and coming up later



We’ll see how it all pans out


Nice Harvest Mike. Try to dehydrate for long term use.


All of the fruit looks great. I bought a dehydrator last year and will give it go this year. love the Espaliers.

I got to try my first Greengage Plums this year from a three year old tree. Not sure how close to the original “Reine Claude” it is since it came from Willis Orchards, but I’m very,very happy with the taste. Only got 4 this year, and I can’t wait for more. I’ve also been getting white Alpine strawberries all summer long and I don’t have to worry about the birds at all. That alone will make me plant them again next year.


Your plums are exciting! I have my first four Bavay on the way this year. So many dropped. Yours is really yellow. Its a beaut! Congrats they take a while to fruit so I think you’re lucky!

Yes, but have to experiment with size, thickness, the temp at which to dehydrate.

Lot’s of fun.


Eating Mericrest… Small fruit but very sweet/rich tasting…love to know the brix… I’ve ate about half dozen…the texture is usually good, but one or two have almost been a little too soft…almost mush (too ripe)?.. bees are stinging them now and the birds have pecked some. Maybe 10 left on the tree. Its a keeper for me but as Scott has mentioned, the fruit are on the small side…perfect for containers…Also ate some more splash (these are getting sickening…just pure sugar–no flavor…bees are stinging and eating them and i don’t care). Emerald Drop isn’t ripe yet or the one i ate was just horrible. I ate some more TangOS (very nice) and a seedling peach peach that was incredible…not sure what i planted or where its from but it was very very very good—rich almost orange flesh–yum…still some more that are ripening. I’ve been eating Raritan Rose (white peach)…bleh…these are Ok…but small this year and i think i watered them too much…so much juice…very drippy. Flavor isn’t great. McIntosh and Cortland that have fallen on the ground… Superior plums are just about there…maybe in the next day or 2.

Never grown european plum, your picture make me wanting to grow one. very nice fruit :yum:

I was also not super thrilled with Raritan Rose. I think it gets better than what you describe above, but its not a great one to me.

I just ate my first Kit Donnell peach today. It is a CRFG-bred peach to be like Early Crawford. It is a nice peach based on the initial sample, also much bigger than Early Crawford. But right now is also Foster season - its the best of the Early Crawford family of peaches for me. The things look ugly as sin but taste like a miracle. Red Baron is also coming in now, another excellent peach on the sour side.