What is happening to my boysenberry?!

So, I received a boysenberry plant from a reputable company on Etsy and the growth is amazing! However, the first few leaves that grew were nice and bright green and healthy! The new ones growing are a brownish color (see photo). They feel healthy and the green ones are still green. What is happening?!

My boysenberries always have the darker tone to their leaves. Not sure why you got the first few, lighter leaves but they do look like most of mine.
What I’ve found frustrating the most about mine is that some branches/spreaders have randomly developed thorns even though they are a “thornless” type.

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It’s a very healthy looking plant, though. It started new growth a day after potting.
When I got this plant, the main branch had broken off and I potted it up too. Maybe get it to root? I’m experimenting with that one lol but I noticed that mine, too, has very tiny, hair-like thorns even though it’s supposed to be thornless as well.

You may be able to get it to take. I’ve found them very prone to self-rooting. Those fine thorns are really painful so watch out!

I am considering adding a few of those to my extensive berry collection. I hear they are very tasty.

I have a couple of loganberry now and they are very productive… large purple berries… no so sweet, more tart but very flavorful.

What suprised me about them was the early ripening. Wild blackberries here (TN) ripen early July… my ilinni tame blackberries ripen june 20 or so… and my loganbery starts ripening around May 20 and ripens fruit over a near 2 month period.

Do you know if boysenberry ripens early, mid or late season … before during or after blackberries in your area - ?

It is a real plus to add more berries that ripen before or after your others…

Do you know if that aplies to boysenberry ?

Good luck with yours !


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Ps… my loganberry plants had no leaves when i got them… bare root… buds but no leaves yet. When they did leaf out i did not see any big changes in leaf color like that.

They are very vigorous growers and required a lot more trellis than I expected. Super producers too. 2 loganberry plants covered a 8x12 trellis and ran off the ends extensivly… pruned…

If boysenberry are as vigorous… you may not need too many of those.


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My boysenberries ripen pretty early, in sync with the black raspberries, well in advance of any blackberries. Not as productive but I’m pretty sure I’m near edge of range for them here.
I lose everything that doesn’t stay under snow.

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The leaves pictured above are not unusual for Boysen. The “brown” is actually a darker shade of red.

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I found this about boysenberry picking times…

Blockquote Boysenberries bloom for about a month in the spring and then ripen over the summer. That is, of course, unless there is a rapid increase in temps, in which case the berries ripen more rapidly but, generally, harvesting will run from July to August.

Read more at Gardening Know How: How To Harvest Boysenberries – Picking Boysenberries The Right Way Boysenberry Harvest Guide: Learn How And When To Pick Boysenberries

I got that from this website It’s pretty reputable from my research…
I would love to have all those berries like yours’ I’m trying to start small because I get ahead of myself and get overwhelmed lol

Thank you! I actually came across a picture of a boysenberry, a young one, with the brownish-red leaves last night. It’s growing great still

StarkBros has a boysenberry… and they say ripens late july.
Ouachita Blackberry - they say ripens Mid July (Ark says July 12) so they have that about right.

One Green World has Boysenberry and they say Ripe in July.

So… looks like they may not be any earlier than blackberry… especially if you have the earlier ripening blackberries (like I do). My illini start ripening June 20 or so…

Here is one ting that OGW says about Boysenberry that I find appealing…This berry is reminiscent of wild blackberry flavor but the seeds are smaller.

That is one thing that I like about Loganberry - big purple berry, outstanding flavor, no noticeable seeds. They are more tart than sweet… but if you eat them with blueberries or blackberries, or strawberries (something more sweet)… oh so good.

A pint of loganberries, with a couple tablespoons of maple syrup, simmered in a sauce pan… excellent on french tost.


I read the article linked by N. When it comes to caneberries in general, rather than relying on color that can vary slightly per variety and growing conditions, use the picking method of bending the berry sideways to harvest it. Many near-ripe fully colored caneberries can be pulled from the stem, but only fully ripe fruit will come off readily when bent sideways. Boysens can be tricky as they are plump and dark purple before they are fully ripe. At that point they do not darken much further.

For efficient harvest, wait for a couple of fruit on the ground; that is when you will find the most fully ripe fruit on the canes.