A volunteer came up in my dog’s enclosure, first I thought it is baby blueberry. But the thing is, my blueberry bushes have closed flower clusters, but no leaves yet. So I started to think (after I potted it) it is burning bush.
What do you think?
It does not resemble my burning bushes. At least not the woody part.
But doesn’t look like blueberry as well, correct?
To me, it bears a resemblance to my blueberries.
If blueberry started from a seed from cultured bushes I have - will it be true to kind or at least any good, do you know?
I’m unsure what plant that is,but Blueberry leaves don’t have those serrated edges. Brady
It appears to have an opposite leaf arrangement, maybe another species of euonymous. This might help.
Unfortunately, it is too young to ID it by the tool. I am sure I will know what it is when it is big enough, I am just not sure if I should keep it ,
This is not blueberry. All blueberries have reddish leaves now, because of the cold nights.
I was thinking of holly bush. Or willow. Some types of willow have rounded leaves.
Thanks, then I don’t need it, if it is not blueberry)