What is the magic for picking Nakita's Gift Persimmon?

Have you developed a method to tell when they are ready to pick?

I got my first two this year but the birds beat me to one. I will bag the other tonight when I get home from work, just commenting so I get any insight also. I think it’s basically just soft to the touch, the ones the birds got was soft but I didn’t try it as I can’t be certain it was only birds.

James shows his 5 yr NG in this vid… he picks one and eats it… it was quite soft… he mentioned he had had some frost already.

With Americans… early in the season… even if color is good and they are quite soft… i have found they can still be quite astringent for 4-5 days after picking. Keep them on the counter under a glass bowl for about a week and that goes away.

I will be glad when I get to try my NG.
It was grafted last spring… set some fruit this year but they all dropped.


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