Saw an interesting citrus tree in Houston. It is on the southside of a small building. Must have survived two severe freezes in the past three years. Any one know what it is? Pictures below.
Could you request permission from the owner to slice one of the fruits in half? It looks like a pomelo relative to me
Will ask for a fruit from the owner in the next few days. Eager to know whether it is palatable.
The leaves are not the typical citrus ones. Somewhat similar to trifoliata.
The fruits are pear shaped.
here are some for you to check against
The leaves are mostly or entirely trifoliate. I’d bet it’s a Swingle Citrumelo rootstock that lived on after the scion died.
@evilpaul I agree. @Nosehair In the third picture, it looks like the leaves are trifoliate, so it is likely a trifoliate orange hybrid. Based on the size of the fruit I’d also guess it is a citrumelo (cross between trifoliate orange or either pomelo or grapefruit). Swingle citrumelo is probably the best bet based on how it looks. That being said, the leaves in the second picture look a bit unique and not exactly trifoliate so it could also be a seedling that has unique genetics. I’d be curious to hear about how it tastes. My guess is it would be acidic and have floral/pine notes. If it is sweet and tastes good you might have found an interesting plant.
looks pretty similar to swingle citrumelo trifoliate hybrid
Can you ask Mr. Texas? He lives near there , I believe. Knows many cultivars.
Yes, most likely. The owner also told me it is some kind of rootstock. Not something unique and exciting.
I’ve tried Swingle Citrumelo and think that sour with a hint of bitterness like grapefruits is pretty consistent with what I had. I’m glad you were able to try it.