Just noticed it this week, and it’s defoliating my 3 vines alarmingly fast. Reminds me of powdery mildew that gets on all the cucumbers around here. New growth looks fine, all the established leaves are getting hit hard and falling off brown. Sorry, second to last picture is from a sensitive variety and has looked like that all season.
Wooly aphids plus you have (larger holes) some sort of caterpillar/chewing insect & leaf spot (fungus).
Thanks. I don’t think it’s wooly aphids. The second picture above more accurately shows the trouble, more like a grey mildew. Additionally, the whole vine was thoroughly sprayed with Fenitrothion (Sumithion) a couple of weeks ago. That stoped the beetles that were creating the holes.
What would be the treatment for this mildew issue?
Have you ruled out mealy bugs?
All right, I’ll get some help and go to the local garden center. I read online you can spray them with one part milk to nine parts water. Is this wishful thinking?
looks like gray mold +wooly aphids too me. Didn’t see powdery mildew issue
You have about 100 things going on there. All you need is a good recommendation for an insecticide and fungicide. Personally I would use liquid copper mixed with summer oil as a mixture in a pump sprayer.
Went to two stores today, and they both recommended a product (GF benreito) which appears to be 50% Benomyl by DuPont. In fact it was the only thing they had.
Its a white powder you mix up in a spray bottle, apply every week, last application 45 days before grapes harvested.
It’s supposed to be dry for half a day after application, not sure I can actually do it, heavy rain forecast all week.
I’m just looking up Benomyl right now, and it appears to kill earthworms too.
you may have fruits rot issue as well judgingby the infection on the leaves. We have very wet spring,& summer, I sprayed immunox which somewhat controlled the rot, but still see grapes here and there with black dots on them.