What is wrong with my Yellow Delicious tree?

Ok so we had a late spring frost a week or so ago unexpectedly and for a very short time and after that my Yellow Delicious tree doesn’t look great. The young apples are half dark reddish, some look a little deformed and some of the leaves have a nasty curI, etc. I have attached a picture. Logic tells me this is from the frost, even though it was very brief (got down to 32) and temps hit 70 the following day. Are these apples a lost cause for this year and does this look like any disease anyone knows of or does it look like frost damage? Thank you!


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Leaf curl - possibly aphids, nothing disastrous.
the color of young fruits is normal.
Orange spots on leaves - could be something fungal, but hard to tell now, minimal anyway.
Looks generally ok to me.


Orange spots are likely cedar apple rust (CAR).

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Yes all my apple trees end up with cedar rust. I am always battling that unfortunately. Ok i was concerned about the color because they were all green before the frost so I wasn’t sure. Thank you

My apple leaves always curl. The trees and fruit are unaffected.

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I’ve noticed some of my trees do this. Perhaps a cultivar thing? I haven’t studied in detail.

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I don’t get leaf curling often but it seems to be correlated with sun without a lot of moisture. In any case it is perfectly normal. There are a couple young leaves tighrtly curled there which look like aphid damage and you have a touch of CAR. The red on the apples is another thing that happens in a lot of sun. All normal stuff, don’t worry.


I’d agree with that. I think our curled apple leaves are related to our intense sun. It seems once they curl a bit they never open back up.

I have had some of the curled leaves die. They weren’t curled until the frost so I chocked it up to that.