What kind of bird netting do you use (for tree fruits)?

Yes works for me. I have had animals put holes in nets, but it took them so long, and probably got caught in it at times, so a simple repair, and they will not try again. At least my experience.
I just netted Indian Free. After writing of not having a net yet, I noticed two fruit on the ground, chewed by squirrels, so the net is up now.

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Like many animal deterrent methods, it all depends how hungry they are. If they “need” the fruit it is nothing for them to tear through nets. I’ve heard a rumor that in Texas they have squirrels that gnaw through metal chicken wire. No squirrels where I’ve lived have ever shown the ability to do that, but I’ve seen them do it to woven and mono-filament netting on several occasions, including this year. .

I’ve seen peaches protected with permanent chicken wire cages. Well, I guess they have to be opened up for big-flake snow.

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I had thought of building a chicken wire cage to put around the tree seasonally, but it seems like a total pain. Maybe I’ll try netting it and cross my fingers.

If you make a sturdy enough frame, it can take that big-flake snow.

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One year I bagged my apples and then netted the entire tree😭 to no avail. The squirrels were up at dawn, I was not. They just chewed the netting took the apples in the bags too!

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The way I do it, I just fill my bird feeders everyday so squirrels are distracted.


I put my nets down to the ground, not tied around the trunk. I think that helps keep the squirrels, and other critters, out.

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Or squirrel launcher. There are many other designs on you tube.