This is a Warren pear, and my Magness had a branch like that broke off at the site of the injury when I yes’s pulling it to make it more horizontal.
Looks like a fireblight strike to me. They are very resistant trees but not immune.
Reminds me of the year after the 17 year cicada. Fireblight hit almost every branch that had a egg cut in it.
I am leaning towards scab. These legions formed last year, which didn’t have favorable fireblight conditions (it was a dry year, and spring rains happened mostly when temperatures were cold). But of course, I maybe wrong.
If scab, do I have to prune the branch off?
Whatever it is, if it expands to wrap around the branch completely, the branch will be girdled and the end will eventually die. Just last week, I removed the end of a branch that had damage that looked like your branch except that it encircled it completely. Beyond the damage zone the branch was still alive and loaded with blossoms but practically no leaves, although the rest of the tree had already leafed out.
Since the damage on your pear tree appears to be on a branch and comes close to encircling it, I would cut it off just past the last node to the right of the photo.