What this Asian pear could be?

Menard has Asian pear tree for sale. It is red Asian pear. I am tempted to buy one. Can anyone id what cultivar this might be?

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Maybe it’s Reddy Robin.

That’s a nice find whatever it is.


Here is the listing from the wholesaler’s website. It looks like they sell it retail, too; you might be able to email them for more information.


Thanks for the website. I might have to call to find out more info


@IL847 @PharmerDrewee @Buckeye

My guess is Nanguo li. Sometimes just called Nanguo pears. Nanguo Pears Information, Recipes and Facts

Clark, if it is nanguo li , I am definitely going to buy one. Looking at the picture, I am thinking it might very likely be the nanguo. It is very good tasting pear

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The picture also looked like pictures of Shinko pear in the right lighting.

Yeah, the one on the left side in the picture looks red-ish. I wish it is a nanguo li that I have been looking for a while

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I called the farm. Didn’t get cultivar info. They just market it as red Asian pear. I was told it is a late ripe, the fruit size is about an apple size.
I bought a tree. It has bark red bark, red leafs (at least now. Not sure if they will turn green or not) pink flower buds, open to be white flowers.


Nanguo was said to be tiny in @clarkinks 's link.
Full sized pear must be something else, but who knows maybe it’s even better.

New leaves of some of my asian pear trees are also very red.
See Pear orchards 2023 - #8 by sockworth

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Annie please keep us updated!

Sure. Clark, you have Maxin , right? What is the color of Maxin’s bark? Is its bark red color? The more I think about this pear, the more I think it might be Maxin that they market it as red Asian

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No i dont have Maxin.

Is there a difference between Maxin and Maxine? Like Ayer and Ayers pears.

I have Maxine pear.


Yes.there is difference, Maxine is e pear. Maxin is j pear and Red Bartlett hybrid


This is its trunk looks like. Almost the same color as my apple B9 trunk

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That dark color will make it hard to tell if it has disease like fireblight.

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Good point. I am very curious what this red Asian pear is. I mean, its parents, Europe pear, Asian pear hybrid, or Asian &Asian pear, or else.

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@IL847 @mamuang

Just realized you meant Maxie not Maxin.

Clark, thanks for correction. It is Maxie. I spelled wrong initially

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