What unusual vegetables should I grow that I've never heard of?

I grow that. I don’t think the citrus one is in my country.

It can be rather invasive here so is best to grow in a container. Mine smells like a dirty fish. It tastes ok cooked and is useful in Vietnamese cooking, and the tea tastes nice, but the smell, wow. Such a powerful smell.

It sounds fabulous. I would like to grow it, but in a very large pot. If not, it would take over all of my gardens. Cannot wait to use it! Thank you!.

This is interesting… how one person can be repulsed by a certain scent and someone else enjoy it. I quite like the fishy smell but my mother is completely off put by it. I’m going to divide my potted plant and put half in an isolated garden spot. This may be a mistake, or feedback, but I’m willing to see how it goes.

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Has anybody grown Asian winged beans? Below is a link if you don’t know what it is. I’ve eaten it but never grown it. I’m going to buy it from Baker Creek for 2019.

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Love them fresh and crunchy. Never grown them but was told it is easy to grow. I don’t even know its English name, Thanks for posting it.

batch of pickled crosneIMG_20181229_130217226_HDR


Crosne ? ?
Tell us more
Flavor ?
Yield ?
Have any starts to trade ?

look at my profile. I have some description of this interesting looking root veggie.

These cape gooseberrys have been sitting at room temp. Since October in their husk. On a paper plate,still good flavor, some dried up, others are still good…not a very big crop this year , but the ones I ate in late summer had an excellent flavor. May need to start earlier . They keep a long time, if you don’t eat them all first

These are kind of small, some were bigger


Looks like escargo!

Hi! This year i will grow chaya mansa, yakon, tupinambo, blue sweet potatos, okinawa spinach and longevity spinach. And will continue to grow cucamelon, tomatillo purple and yellow, and several yam species… :grin:

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And hosta shoots and flowers…

Longevity/cholesterol spinach is really quite good. Let us know how Okinowa spinach compares.


Has anyone mentioned Rose of Sharon yet? It scores a 4 out of 5 on the pfaf edibility scale. I haven’t tried cooking with it yet but raw leaves are nice.

This year we will try:

Celtuce. lettuce family but you eat the thick stems.

Amaranth. for the greens.

Bitter melon.

And maybe Jerusalem Artichokes again, if I can find a fenced area big enough, because deer.

Also nasturtiums for the tangy greens.

And my napole cactus, grown from a pad from the produce section at the grocery store a few years back, should have some tender big pads this year.


I will try growing Myoga ginger this year. It’s supposed to be hardy to zone 6. The flower buds are eaten, not the rhizomes. I saw some for sale at a grocery store in New York City at $8 per flower! Anyone tried growing this yet?


They are both great! I already try it! I eat them on salads, sandwish, or soups! Yammy!

I only ate flower part of white flowered rose of sharon in soup, not bad. But had never eaten its leaves. Some people use its soapy leaves to wash hair

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This year I am going to make much more use of some watercress and mint that grows wild off of a spring creek near us. We made soup and mojitos last yr in september, both were very good but found late, This year we intend to use the way more of both.

That’s not gardening, but we do plan on doing more wild foraging…

Edit: The wild meant is muscular and strong and make some of the best Mojito’s we’ve ever had including tons of store-bought mint and Cuban mint from jungs…and it just grows in a tiny spring creek like a mile from us


Rat’s tail radishes (Singara radish) and Mexican sour gherkins are both great. I’m going to try Bitter Melons this year. :seedling: