I have used lots of mule manure , I think it is really good for the soil because you can use lots of it and it is full of organic matter the animal did not break down. On the flip side they don’t break seeds down as much either, but easy to combat with a good layer of mulch next spring
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A report on this squash harvest. I didn’t have good hopes for the butternuts after picking them so early [there were still faint green lines visible]
But today I got one out for dinner, and it was in perfect condition - not only that, deliciously sweet and tasty. Have to say it was my best harvest ever. The remaining squash are still totally sound - not a sign of shriveling or mold.
From now on, I’m not going to leave my butternuts on the vine til the last minute before frost, I’ll pick them earlier, squirrels or no
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