What's happening today 2016?

Upload them to something like imgur, googledrive, icloud etc, then download them back to your computer as a round about way of doing it. Sounds like the phone is on the wrong USB mode, can you any access files when you plug in into your pc?

I think everyone prewraps their peach scion wood when using parifilm. I would think it would be way to hard to try it afterwards. I find peaches to be the hardest ones because all the stars must be in line just about for them to take. Our weather was to cold to graft then it got hot and dry so the scion wood was older with some mold too. They all were breaking dormancy when I put them on. We had snow flying two weeks before I grafted. Then it was almost 90! We’re supposed to get rain tonight and tomorrow. We had a long winter this year. I am just now putting in the vegetable garden. After the rain we are going to be cool with highs in the upper 60’s to low 70’s and lows in the low 40’s to 50’s.

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I hear you about wacky temp. There are some ideas I would to share with you about grafting.
There was one person who sent me the scionwood wrapped in parafilm. That was very kind.

Next year, on some harder to graft scionwood, I will pre-wrapped it as it arrives before put in in the fridge. Hopefully it will help preserved moisture better.
Temp in fridge could contribute to scionwood trying to push, too. Keep temp around 34-35 F is what I do.

Graft on last year’s wood increase my chance tremendously.

I wait for temp to be in the 70’s. I hope those who graft peaches successfully in the 60’s or lower could chime in.your wild temp this spring has not been helpful. Hope you have more success next year.

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Your right about my fridge temp. I forgot to make it colder. I had it set at 40 deg for lagering beer while fermenting. I did wait for 70 deg but it took for ever. Then it got into the 80’s a week latter. I got some fig wood that was in wax. I would like to get some of that to use.

Is this an Apple Maggot Fly?
There’s a ton of them outside buzzing all around my head like horse flys


Tough choice, beer vs scionwood :grin: something gotta gives.


I got to eat a couple of peaches for the first time this year. I picked them a couple of days before they were dead ripe. My wife likes them better that way. They were pretty good considering all the rain we have had lately.

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Do they bite? Looks like a deer fly to me.

Nope, the marking on the wings is different for one thing

They do bite

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What a kind and helpful response, Patty. I did use roundup to kill the grass. However, I mix it weak, I’m incredibly careful not to get it on the tree, and most important- that tree was already going down hill fast before I sprayed the first and only time this year. Also, I sprayed about 60 trees the same way at the same time and only this one is dead/dying. I’m pretty certain it is dead, to answer that question, but not quite certain enough to pull it up and look at the roots- though I like that idea and will do that once I’m 100% certain it is hopeless.
The only underground “varmits” we have are moles and they are fairly common in my orchard, but I doubt they’d do enough damage to kill a tree- they never have- but anything is possible. I didn’t see any mole hills the last few weeks though. Fortunately we don’t have gophers. And you are right in saying photos of the trunk might help you all figure out what happened. There is nothing severe, but there is some cracking on the lower trunk. I will get some photos of the trunk later, But again, I appreciate your interest and attempt to help. I am now worried about another plum beside this one. The dead one in the photo first just stopped growing for about 3 weeks. No sign of problems other than the fact that it wasn’t putting out a single new growth shoot anywhere on the trees, while my other prunes had the bright green new growth on all its branch tips. Well, I now have another plum that seems to have stopped growing. It has a full fruit load so hopefully its just sending its resources to the fruit instead of new growth, but it seems like there would be a little new growth. Anyway, figuring out what killed the first one could help save the second one if it is in trouble.

@wildscaper , I honestly don’t know anything about cotton root rot, but I’ll go look into that right now! Thanks.

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Those are actually baby Horseflies.Just kidding.Probably some kind of a Syrphid fly.They’re suppose to be good at pollinating. Brady

There’s a very electrically active thunderstorm nearby. If I’m lucky, we’ll get a decent rain without the violence. Then maybe I can do something productive tomorrow. :slightly_smiling: Cooler weather would also be welcome. It’s hard to be motivated to keep working outside when it’s a sticky upper 90’s day.

I spent all day watering today, even though the forecast said we had an 80% chance of just over half an inch of rain. We got zero, just as I’d expected. There’s about 15 minutes left in the day.

One of the girls picked a nice big bowl of blueberries and raspberries and topped it off with a couple of figs and strawberries this afternoon. They’ll be sliced, layered, and rolled into crepes for breakfast. I’m looking forward to morning.


Thanks for those suggestions.I will look into them.
When trying to upload photos from the phone,it crashes the PC’s Windows Media Player.
After unplugging the USB and plugging it back in and choosing the Camera (PTP)–Use camera software to transfer pictures from phone to PC mode,it only found 4 pictures on the phone,but I took many more than those,that weren’t transferred yet. Brady

use the MTP (media transfer protocol) if available. It should give you full file access to the data portion of your phone like normal.

Android or iphone?

another simple fix may be to reinstall the PCs phone driver files.
for android https://developer.android.com/studio/run/oem-usb.html

It looks like the MTP mode worked.I may have tried that before,but when seeing so many photos being transferred,was concerned it was going the other way from PC to phone and cancelled the action.I didn’t realize there were so many photos on my phone.
It is an Android.
Thanks very much again,Seth. Brady

I have the opposite problem. My phone shows every photo ever taken that’s on icloud as a new picture every time I plug it into the computer. I have deleted them four times they just come back. I tried turning off icloud it just doesn’t work. I need a new phone. It’s a 4 s iphone. I have so many duplicate pictures in my computer and play memories it keeps me from wanting to transfer pics.

You can’t even walk out in my back yard right now unless you have bug spray and a hat on. Those blood thirsty flies are the worst! Once you start slapping at them they get smart and try for the back legs and neck. We have always called them horse flies but the next size bigger might be a horse fly and the big ones a deer fly, or visa-versa. I might have to google them. The big ones get 2" long and scare the crap out of you. They are like a bird trying to attack you! I wear a hat in my pool or hold an unbrella durring the month of June and part of July. They like wet skin!

I have to wear a hat when I go in the orchard area. They have a mean bite. I’ve always wanted to put some sticky pad on my hat and see how many it catch. They are miserable!

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I’ve tried hormone fly traps. They only work on house type flies. I caught a whole stinky bucket worth of those when I got behind on cleaning it and the buzzards came down and landed on the ground to check it out.