What's happening today 2016?

My concerns about dealing with big roots in 3 gal. pots was all for naught (two pawpaws). What was inside those big pots of potting soil were little square root clumps that look like they had been transplanted to, and been growing in, the much bigger pots for about 15 minutes. I don’t know what to think. Here is a photo of the roots of one of the two pawpaws; the other other one was slightly longer. These roots were moved from their original containers so recently that they were still almost perfectly compressed into their square form.
The employee sheepishly suggested a discounted price to the owner (and they had a very quiet little discussion…I was standing right there) who decided to go full price. I strongly got the sense that there was something funny going on…like maybe, Employee: We transplanted these this morning, shouldn’t we grow them this season to fill out their new pots so we can justify…you know.

I’m glad they weren’t put into 10 gal pots and sold that way.

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I spent about 3 1/2 hours pulling weeds today. Yanked out a bunch of poison ivy, even though I wasn’t dressed for protection from it. At least I wore a glove on one hand. I dug out flowering polk weed before it has a chance to make berries, and seemed to continuously find more wild blackberry vines growing among the weeds. I’ve pulled those several times this year alone.

By the end of the day I had one small section of an overgrown ‘jungle’ area cleared. The pile of weeds was tall, and the bucket of poison ivy vines was stuffed, but the cleared area was small.

However, I did also totally clear one large planting square to the point where there are no visible weeds for the time being. Maybe enough of the summer weeds have sprouted by this time so that the area can stay relatively clear until the late summer/early fall varieties try to claim it. :smile:

My estimate is that if I could spend 2 hours weeding every day of the year, then everything might look like I actually do weed. The chances of that happening are about the same as me winning the lottery. Those chances are extra low since I don’t play the lottery.


Muddy, I have soooo “been there” on the weeding thing. I don’t use Roundup or other herbicides. I put gloves on and pull…


Day after a good rain is when I go out and pull weeds, especially brushy ones, to get them up by the roots

Of course the mosquitoes are out there in force

I’m not old (30s) but man my back does not agree with weeding. I’m going to need some sort of knee pad or even a man servant :wink:

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We had a good rain the beginning of the week. Those can be few and far between in the summer. That’s why I’m getting all that I can while it’s still possible. Plus, it had temporarily cooled down into the 80’s yesterday. So, I could handle longer periods working outside.[quote=“warmwxrules, post:1448, topic:3762”]
my back does not agree with weeding. I’m going to need some sort of knee pad or even a man servant

Double the age and more than the back complains. :wink: I’ve tried the manservant thing, but they can’t seem to distinguish between what belongs and what I’ve worked hard to establish.

@Matt_in_Maryland , Same here. It’s all manual labor.


It is suppose to be 95F this afternoon which will be the hottest day yet…also sticky (dews nearing 70F as i type).

Picked a bunch of sweet cherries this morning.

Hi Garden Family,
I sure feel the back pains even before I begin the task of weeding. My problem is standing up straight afterwards. I need a crank shift to get back into gear! Lol. I have a hoe, a pick, and a contraption that you place on the weed and turn it once to the left and then to the right as it pulls the weeds out of the ground from the root-but even with all of these things, I still prefer manually weeding. This way, I know that the roots are gone and it also helps me big time to expel some of lifes’s stress when I am yanking away. Yep, I hate weeding, but I know it is therapeutic! After my back is straightened, I am, serenely refreshed and feeling relaxed-or that could be the results of taking the 600 motrin…:smirk:


My back doesn’t usually bother me after weeding, unless I do one of the stupid things that I hope a few rounds of several months of pain have taught me not to. I’ve learned not to repeatedly yank on vines that are climbing high into trees if they are bouncing back afterwards. Whether it’s pulling downward or trying to haul or yank something upward, if I get a reciprocal action, I’ve learned to find an alternative. A couple of rounds of sciatica taught me that sometimes stubborn determination is a poor choice.

If the weeds are tall and ground is soft or loose enough, I just stand and pull. When I have a lot to remove from closer to ground level, especially if it’s mostly grasses that I’m trying to get rid of, I check the area for fire ants and just plop myself down in the dirt. In line with my screen name, I don’t mind getting covered in dirt.

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My male pistachio. Going in the ground today.


Very appropriate, Mark. A male pistachio resting in the masculine decor of that room. :slightly_smiling:

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Thanks. My chickens like the cover

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Got to love midwest summers… This is more July then June… yuck… i think my lettuce/broccoli are toast.

And we’re getting ready to start hitting and crossing 100. Looks like a good time to head to Florida to cool off. It’s too bad I can’t get away right now.

I couldn’t do it. I like the warm days, but the humidity sucks the life out of me. I’ve noticed a lot of Florida plates around lately. The snow birds must all be back for the summer.

Clouds now with a big storm complex to the north and west moving slowly this way. Rain looks to bring some relief.

And here I am packing bags for a work trip to ATL! :scream: :smile:

Two little pretty birds sitting on your table.

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Know how you feel

I’ve had some prize quality Romaine this year, but after the May heat wave I had to compost half the first planting

Now I’ve cut the remains of the 2nd planting, and I’m wondering about the 3rd

Not to mention the row of cauliflower that hasn’t even started to head

otoh, I’m starting to get zucchini and green beans

Mine is just starting to head (i think its broccoli …i don’t even know anymore). I think i started it way too late. I should be fall planting this stuff. The lettuce i grew is ok (in the refrigerator now)…but we are going to be eating some salads/ I plan on starting some seeds for fall and to try that. The only issue with fall planting i’ve seen is more pest pressure. The cabbage moths are everywhere by the time i put them in the ground.

I tried growing celery one year…oh man…it was so bad. It grew fine, but it was all dry and not good. I think its needs to grow in water or something. I can buy the stuff for a buck! I just wanted to see how it grew…fail.

I got more weeding done today. Just under 3 hours worth. It’s getting more difficult with each day as the ground loses moisture. Right now it looks dry, but hasn’t gotten strong grip on the roots the way dried clay does. I can actually see that I’ve made some headway, which makes me happy because they haven’t gotten to the stage of dropping seeds.

I accidentally pulled out one of the naturalized passion flower vines which was already setting fruit. It’s okay. There are plenty more in the area.

I got to pick some ripe tomatoes from volunteer plants and pop them into my mouth while working today. It was obvious that they were from fallen Sungolds and came very true to their parent. So, whoever I sent Sungold seeds to should save some from their harvest for replanting.

I snacked on a couple of BT breba right before typing. It seems like I find more revealing themselves in that tree every day.