White Gold cherries at 18 brix yesterday - getting close
Between me and the birds, it’s a race to ripeness, but this morning I found the stems starting to release
White Gold cherries at 18 brix yesterday - getting close
Between me and the birds, it’s a race to ripeness, but this morning I found the stems starting to release
My tomatoes this year are growing off the hook. Not sure if it is just ideal weather for them, as it has been relatively cool this spring, but goodness, they are HUGE. Better Boy and Mountain Magic are just very, very vigorous growers. But, I have Campari seeds that are doing well, and my prized Coulles de Taureau seeds ALL germinated, and are doing very well, also (thank you, GInny!!)
Yesterday, I’m getting impatient with the growth of my paw paw seeds so I poured the pot out. This is what I found: The seed seemed still viable and alive. It’s still in germination mode, it’s still growing its roots but does not seem to want to poke its head out of the soil yet after OVER A MONTH cradled inside the soil! And there’re more than 20 some seeds with none showing any green yet!
It’s taking too looooong of its sweet time!
I ended up putting it back and frustratingly said my prayer to the paw paw gods…
How did your paw paw seeds germination like? Is it normal? Did yours take as long as mine?
Another 3/4 inch of rain this morning…and we missed out on the “heavy” stuff (2+ inches all around the Minneapolis area). More rain in the forecast all week. It was interesting…we were only 75F yesterday (very beautiful day) and just to the west in MN it was 97F… so the heat is right there. Grass looks nice.
That’s their natural process. That’s what they typically do. It’s called “epigeal” germination. Some pawpaw seeds take over a year and a half before they first break the surface.
The first year is just about letting the tap-roots crawl underground as far as they want. Don’t fool with them. The roots are very sensitive.
Pawpaws require a massive amount of patience.
Correction: I should have said that pawpaw germination is “hypogeal.” The opposite of epigeal!
I grew them out from seed one year (they died the following winter)…they took forever from what i remember. I probably have pics buried somewhere of them.
I’m having a crazy tomato year, not ripe but all massive and setting heavily. Last year was terrible for me, so I’m thrilled with the turnabout. I only had one that started showing color, and I think it’s because it was bug damaged. My peppers, however, seem stalled.
Ditto that, MisterGuy. Same exact experience. I’ve never seen such tomato growth ever. Downside to growing indeterminate tomatoes in a raised bed during a big growth year is they get very tall, very fast. I may have to train them downward, now, so I can get to the ends of the branches to pick the tomatoes. Peppers are doing well this year as well. Going to really have to watch for hornworms - they are going to be hard to find in all the heavy growth. Ugh, my least favorite gardening chore.
It looks delicious! I try to graft it this year but did not take😥
Nice harvest. I grow garlic too, It grows so well ,i am hesitated to pull them up
My lovage grows 8 feet tall and ready to bloom. I love its celery scent. If anyone care to grow it, let me know, PM, I can send seeds in early fall
Peony picking time.
beautiful peonies, yous come later, mine are done. Dried some to make peony wine in fall
Wine??? sounds interesting never heard of it, and most importantly is it good?
Beautiful peonies! I’ll have to enjoy them in your photo this year because mine didn’t set a single bloom. I can look at yours and think, “Maybe next year.”
Yes, peony wine
I sell them at Farmer’s Markets and this year they have an incredible amount of blossoms. I attribute that to a drier spring. Previously to this year the last 10 have been wet wet wet.