What's Happening Today 2021


Like I told my son when I showed him my first harvested apple…

" … so this is what a $1,350.00 apple looks like"

But man , did it taste great enough to be!



Sooooo true!!!


Everything we grow tastes better. We are officially spoiled, in a good way!


Today I am sitting in the sun on a red adirondack chair facing the creek. My chocolate lab Katie, always a great companion, is lying by my side. I have picked three apples which have a bit of damage and I’m going to go ahead and try them even though its early. Johnson’s Keeper, Yellow Delicious, and Pink Lady. A few days ago I tried a Virginia Beauty, Red Royal Limbertwig, Red Delicious, and Yellow Delicious for comparison. This is the first year I have had enough apples to do any kind of sampling and I am enjoying the heck out of this moment.

I am loving this! What a great ending to a beautiful day.

BTW, I liked yellow delicious > red royal limbertwig > johnsons keeper > virginia beauty > red delicious > pink lady (too early/tart) I also compared the size of three including a dropped Arkansas Black.


Regina, you have beautiful backyard, quite, peaceful. Perfect for living and putting a orchard there. These apples are nice too


Scenic view!

Love the view of your yard, so beautiful and serene.


Thanks all. It is a rare day when I dont venture out to my backyard, sometimes just walking among the trees and checking things. Its really therapeutic for me.


The ants have been eating figs from my 5 fig trees. I checked today and that problem is solved. All the figs, except the small green ones, have been eaten by a creature last night.


Today I finished putting in two new corners for the orchard fence, one with an additional gate. I’ll install the insulators on the corners and begin putting in 8’ T-Posts, and this should be the final footprint of the orchard. I need to start measuring out and marking isles and rows so I can till the rows for planting. I finished a nursery bed inventory yesterday, I have 409 additional trees, 300 of which I plan to plant out and an extra 109 I’ll likely sell. 262 were planted out in the orchard this spring. A couple neighbors are hoping for a tree or two as well.


Good you have takers for your extras

I picked a few pistachios today


Very cool! Now you have soak them in salt water (or something like that) to split the shell!

I found a few seedling apples today, excited to make something with them. The bigger red ones are quite delicious.


Now I need to spend some time researching what to do next. I fear there are no nuts inside. My male
Tree is so young

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The green one in hand looks like a potato :slight_smile:


I think it was just under-ripe when I cut it open, seeds were light brown. It definitely has a rib structure, not rounded. Lots of interesting apples along the road up in Maine. I just need to convince my wife to let me stop and take samples :grin:


Collected about 50 honey locust seeds…also some hemlock and sugar maple. Going to grow them out next spring.

Good luck…40 years from now you can harvest sap and make maple syrup from those sugar maple seeds…although the production would be greater at age 80.

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You got to start some time? I’ve grown out and given away mostly oaks (red/white/bur) and want to try some different ones and since i’m shying away from most fruit trees/.might as well grow yard trees.