What's Happening Today in 2022

Are your tires solid? Wish I could afford a set of pruners like that. That thing is nice. I’ve been trying to find a used one with a bucket, but they still want huge numbers even for used.


Tires are R14’s filled w/ calcium chloride. We had to wait 10 months after placing the order. Tractor Mike on YouTube recently did a video showing demand is starting to go down on these 40-60HP tractors, so you may start seeing better prices in the used market as well.

Just dug the hole a persimmon will relocate into in a few months. It was rainy the last three days, so I figured the ground would be as soft as it was going to be. After the hole was dug, backfilling it with its own loose dirt left it still 6 inches lower than it started due to all the rocks I removed. I’m not cut out for this level of effort. Whew… The bad news, the one I’m moving is only a few feet away, so the soil is undoubtedly just as rocky. got to feed a couple of grubs to the birds. Most of my riff-raff is now back in the garage.

@AndySmith how big does your rugosa get? I planted a few two years ago and they are still rather small. Set a few new canes but mostly grew to about two or three feet and then drooped over. Will they turn into monsters if left go?

There are two types of Rugosa in this bed, one was something I found growing near my vegetable garden, probably leftover from a prior property owner, and the other is “Sandy”, a rugosa I got from Musser Forests (a Pennsylvania tree nursery). This photo is from 2019 and this bed of rugosa had doubled in size by 2022 when we cut it back. They tend to support themselves when they get thick enough and will get 5-6’ tall. The biggest issue I see with rugosa, especially Sandy, is their spreading by root. They aren’t too bad to control in this location since I mow around them, but you can see them popping up all around this bed. If not for the mower, this bed would have spread much more. It really depends on the specific rugosa you have. I put in rugosa because I can’t keep a Hybrid Tea, Floribunda or Grandiflora alive for more than 2-3 years in our cold climate. Sandy has some of the largest hips I’ve seen on a rose.


these grow wild in gravely areas here. dont know if they are native or not. ours look like the sandy ones but not as tall. most about 2ft.

I have two Rubra and two that were just labled Rosa Rugosa. I guess next year will be the judge if they get any bigger. Something ate all but one of my hips this year. The one i did get was rather delicious.

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I spread milky spores late yesterday, in anticipation of rain from Nicole. The rain didn’t come as quick as I anticipated, but well before 24hrs had elapsed. Never used them before and this year was terrible for Japanese Beetles. Hoping for far less in the years to come!


My favorite Christmas present ever from Miami Fruit