It’s been awhile since I’ve posted here.
First - I missed all of you.
Second - is there any new, cool patented variety everyone is talking about? Last year it was the Nadia plum/cherry. Have I missed anything?
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted here.
First - I missed all of you.
Second - is there any new, cool patented variety everyone is talking about? Last year it was the Nadia plum/cherry. Have I missed anything?
Oh no…Nadia!!!
Just kidding.
Since Nadia, Dave Wilson released Sugar Twist Pluery. From most reports it tastes most like your typical Japanese plum than anything cherry related.
Stark introduced a few new apples in 2017. Scarlet Crush (Honeycrisp x Pink Lady), Ruby Darling (Honeycrisp x Gala).
Zaiger release the Ghost apple through Dave Wilson Nursery. It’s a weird looking white skinned variety. DW also released Royal Crimson Cherry.
Cosmic Crisp Apple is now available.
Crunch-a-bunch is a newer apple supposedly an improved Goldrush
Crunch A Bunch and Baker’s Delight apples were two new apples available at the same time from Gurney.
I don’t think I could be comfortable telling people, “The apple your eating is Crunch-a-bunch”
While I agree it’s an incredibly stupid name if the apple tastes good I’ll eat it.
Arboreum was selling limited quantity of a few unique peaches back in the fall. That seemed to generate some buzz. But I don’t think there was anything close to matching the hype of Nadia.
I know a lot of people were disappointed with Nadia, I myself was not. I thought it was very good, and the tree is awesome. Grows more like a cherry with branching everywhere. It’s going to be a fun tree to work with. It’s a definite keeper for me.
Hard to judge from one year of fruit, but so far so good. mine even threw a sport with long stems. Which to me makes the tree that much more interesting. Also should make for some interesting breeding.
Not too much new, but you know the existing trees out there are mostly unknown to me and I keep discovering old cultivars that sound great. Like June Pride peach.
On the commercial side the pluots have been extremely interesting. Not new but new to me!
I like to collect descriptions even though many are part hype.
Crimson Royale Pluot® Interspecific Plum
Elongated shape similar to an apricot. Extremely large, tangy red skin, very sweet orange flesh (23 Brix), complex flavor, crunchy texture.
Estimated Chilling Requirement
800 hours below 45°F
Pollenizer such as Flavorfall, Amigo 2 or Honey Punch required.
Harvest Season within fruit type
late midseason
Harvest Dates
July 25 to August 10
(approximate for Fresno, CA area)
Plum & Pluot® Maturity Chart
The hallmark of Crimson Royale Pluot® interspecific is an elongated shape similar to an apricot. Excepting shape, this Pluot® is more reminiscent of a plum with tangy red skin and sweet, orange flesh that suggests a complex mixture of apple and plum flavors (23 ºBrix). This firm Pluot® sizes well (30-35) and offers a smooth, crunchy texture that holds up well in storage and shipping.
Additional Notes
I have Dapple Dandy and it is prolific, has a good taste at least for me. I know some don’t like it, feel it just average. An excellent plum as far as I’m concerned. I liked it better than Flavor King which to me tastes perfumy, I don’t really care for the taste. This tree grows well in zone 6, the scaffolds tend to angle at 45 degrees, not upright. This thing is fricking perfect! And now we have one that is sweeter and ripens much earlier, I’m hyped about this one!
Dapple Jack Pluot® Interspecific Plum
Sweetest Dapple-type Pluot®. Large, red to green skin, red flesh. Ripens about 3 weeks before Dapple Dandy.
Estimated Chilling Requirement
600 hours below 45°F
Requires a pollenizer such as Honey Punch or Amigo 2.
Harvest Season within fruit type
early midseason
Harvest Dates
July 10 to July 25
(approximate for Fresno, CA area)
Plum & Pluot® Maturity Chart
The sweetest of the Dapple-type Pluot® varieties, Dapple Jack resembles Dapple Dandy with red to green dappled skin and remarkably sweet red flesh (21 ºBrix). Maturity is about three weeks before Dapple Dandy. The Dapple Jack tree produces large crops of large fruit (40-45).
Additional Notes
Speaking of fruit with cherry in it like the lovely Nadia, and another one for breeding even more. This one is a beast of a grower. Fills that late gap here, kinda late for here, but so is Indian Free, which is super awesome!
Fall Fiesta Pluot® Interspecific Plum
Beautiful blue-black skin, sweet, juicy, semi-clingstone yellow flesh. Very late, holds well on tree.
Estimated Chilling Requirement
800 hours below 45°F
Pollenizer required.
Harvest Season within fruit type
very late
Harvest Dates
September 25 to October 10
(approximate for Fresno, CA area)
Plum & Pluot® Maturity Chart
Developed by Zaiger Genetics. U.S. Plant Patent No. 22428.
The beautiful Fall Fiesta Pluot® interspecific plum is a late-season treat. Maturing in the last two weeks of September, the Fall Fiesta features blue-black skin over yellow flesh that holds firm on the tree up to two weeks. Fall Fiesta Pluot® is a sweet, juicy semi-clingstone fruit with an average of 20 ºBrix, sizing 35-40.
Additional Notes
Fall Fiesta Pluot®, an interspecific plum, includes plum, cherry, peach and nectarine in its parentage.
I love the name and sounds right up my alley!
Ebony Rose Pluot® Interspecific Plum
Beautifully colored dark red skin with matching flesh. Large fruit with a balance of sweet and acidic flavor. Bold flavors and durable flesh: superb packing quality.
Estimated Chilling Requirement
600 hours below 45°F
Pollenizer required
Harvest Season within fruit type
early midseason
Harvest Dates
July 4 to July 19
(approximate for Fresno, CA area)
Developed by Zaiger Genetics. U.S. Plant Patent No. 24055.
. Ripens approximately 10 days before Dapple Dandy.
Some new and very good sounding pluots Drew, enjoy!
Are you getting any of these pluots, or are they even available?
My three pluot trees should be here in about 3 weeks from Bay Laurel. Still haven’t figured out where they’re going, but chances are they’ll go down below the barn in that rich soil.
The thing is that they will shrink the garden plot that’s been down there. Guess you gotta give up some stuff to get some better things.
Crimson Royale is the only pluot that I can taste the apricot. And they say it tastes like apple?? Apples have many different tastes. Apricot has a distinctive taste. Oh well it’s their fruit I guess they can believe whatever they want.
LOL, I like the name, very nice!
I have all of them. As do others here. Well for now anyway if they all survive etc.
It sounds like breakfast cereal.
Here in Texas it is the shiranui/sumo mandarin citrus. I paid $250 for 20 buds to get it
and am likely the only one in Texas with it. Those fruit are now in the stores for
around $3/lb.
It’s the only tree I ordered this year. What were they thinking with the name.
If you are referring to Sumo Mandarin, then I got some nice ones a week ago for $3.99/lb.
Don’t think I know what this is. Is it a mandarin? Pricey bud wood were did you get it?
I confess a lack of interest in new varieties these days, nearly all are sweet candy on the tree kinds of things: lots of sugar and candy aromatics but not much beyond that.
Grumpy Old Man Fruit Grower
Yes, I’m being a bit tongue-in-cheek, some of them really do have some new flavors in them as well as other good qualities, but the flavor spectrum they are aiming for is narrow.
This is a Sumo Mandarin(Dekopon).Tangy,sweet and mostly seedless.I’m still looking for that first one,because,after reading about the variety,this one grows true from seed,even though being a hybrid.
There is usually a more pronounced bump on top,but why pay more,when buying by the pound,for the skin that’s not going to be eaten and just adds extra weight. Brady
Here are some hybrids that I am working on. The varieties consist of, Nadia, Candy Heart, Summer Punch. The leaves are less plum like than normal especially the Nadia one to the left. I grafted a Toka “bubble gum” plum to one of my trees, it is hardy up north. Future flavors may consist of: Bubble Gum Punch, Candy Punch, Bubble Gum Cherry, Nadia Heart Punch. Other varieties will be thrown into the mix as they grow out. The small ones in the front are Indian Free Peach hybrids. Click on the photo to zoom in.