I’m looking into a fairly new variety called Crispie which is available for sale here Crispie™ — Adams County Nursery. This is the patent that was filed on it about 10 years ago http://www.google.com/patents/US20060026725. There is a little more information available here Crispie ™ Euro-Asian Pear Tree - One Green World. Does anyone grow this variety?
per acnursery "Crispie™
(Prem2P Cv.) PP#17,387 P3
Crispie™ is a new selection from Hort Research in New Zealand. It is a medium-sized, yellow pear harvesting one week ahead of Bartlett. It has a firm yet juicy texture with great flavor. Tree is grower friendly and productive. Crispie™ has a narrow harvest window and should not be considered a long-term storage variety.
Propagated Rootstocks: