What's wrong with my plum tree leaves and fruits?

Here are some pictures of my plum leaves and fruits. The plum tree was planted fall of 2014. It has been sprayed the same on peach tree schedule: daconil/captan and Triazacide, Peach trees don’t seem to have this problem.

My Plum tree flowered a little earlier than the peach trees, but I sprayed them all at the same time on peach tree schedule: daconil and Triazacide at peach bud break, petal fall; captan and Triazacide at shuck split and now.

Looks like some kind of bacterial leaf spot, which is usually found on peaches.
I’ve never seen it on plums before. On peaches, it usually clears up, once you start feeding the tree. Have you fed this tree? If not, I’d feed it now. I feed mine diluted urine, and the leaf spot disappears.

Interesting. I have a plum of unknown variety that looks exactly the same. The tree was absolutely infested with aphids about a month ago so I figured it had to do with that. I’ll be curious what others say.

The tree was fertilized in the spring.

Most likely Shot hole disease caused by fungus

Around here shot hole and bacterial leave spot is the same thing. Aside from daconil you use, copper at dormant in early spring would help. It works for me.

I never use diluted copper after bud break but I think some may do but not now as tree fully leave out.

I cannot make out what mark is on the fruit. Plum Curculio bite marks?

Shot hole. One of the few fungal things (besides PLC) we deal with here on the West Coast. Mamuang is right - if I apply 4 dormant sprays during dormant season, and can get the last spray in as late as possible, it tends to be lighter. If not, it is worse, especially if we have a long period of cool, foggy weather in the spring and early summer. Daconil is the best choice if it appears after break.

I get the same looking issue here at a few sites here in SE NY (actually Greenwich CT in this case) with J. plums. Put copper down during dormancy and haven’t seen it this go-round. Coincidence? I hope not.

Mamuang, not sure what the marking on the fruits are. I don’t think it’s bite mark, here is another picture.

I didn’t spray copper during the dormant season because I didn’t have leaf curl on my peach trees. I guess I am going back to spray copper.

If it’s bacterial spot, how can fungicide work, shouldn’t be antibiotics?

It got two sprays of daconil this year, I guess I have to go back to spray copper during the dormant season.

I am going back to spray copper during dormancy, hopeful it will solve the problem.

Paul, what language is that?:slight_smile:

The marks were probably made by one of those catfacing insects.

Do you have a lot of trees? I have about 25 with half of them are fruiting age. I have switched to spray Surround since last year. I also bag fruit. Just in case you want to try a more organic route.

Timing is everything when it comes to spraying. When I get the timing right, I have only little damage and a lot of peace of mind.


Don’t write the plums off just yet. What you have appears to be the same thing that happened to my black ice plums last year and I let them stay on the tree. If it is the same thing that mine had then it is just going to be a cosmetic problem. When I cut one of mine open after seeing this, there were no problems in the flesh and was just on the skin. After seeing this I left the rest of the plums stay on the tree and those plums taste awesome!
Oops…I also forgot to tell you that my leaves were just fine and didn’t have any holes in them like yours when my fruit looked like that.

Unfortunately this year it doesn’t look like I’m going to get any black ice plums. They bloomed earlier this year and about the time that the toka/bubblegum tree opened their blooms, the black ice blooms were on their way out. Toka blooms got pollinated and am going to get a few of them to try for the first time.

mamaung, I have 4 full grown peach trees, 2 puny plum and 2 puny pear, plus some grape vines.

I actually bought Surround this year, but a little late for this season. How frequent do you spray surround? From what I read, it seems that it has to be sprayed quite often, is that the case for you?

How does bagging really work? Do you actually bag every fruit? I harvested 170 lb of peaches one year from the 4 peach trees, I can’t imagine bag every peach.

Ijkewlj, I would not write off the blemished plum. I got 1 tiny yellow plum last year, it was quite delicious. I was really looking forward to getting more fruit this year, but it only have 3 fruitlets this year. I just hope they will make it.

My plums looked just like yours when I used Captan on them. The leaves had holes and the plums were scarred. That is why I"ll bag the entire tree and spray only triaz., immunox and a sticker.

I have fully productive trees as follows: 2apples, 2 A.pears, 2 peaches and 1 J. Plum, 2 sweet cherry.
A few fruit from another J.plum, 1 E. Pears, 1 A. Pear, 1 sour cherry.

My spraying is a bit odd.
I spray Surround once as cover spray on apples and peaches before I bag.

Spray A. Pear 2-3 times until the fruit grow bigger. Pear fruit grow rapidly. I bet on fruit to grow to the point that insect bites do not cause serious damage. Damages on my pears are mostly skin deep.

Last year, I had 12 plum so I bagged them. This year, so many plums . I need to be creative. I may try bread bags as Alcedo showed on another thread. I hope to bag a few plum in a bag.

Peaches - I cover once or twice with Surround. Then, I bag with footsies. I hope my pic will show. I used a tomato in the footsie to show you.

Pic did not work. Let me try again.

I will try plastic sandwich bags on some peaches this year.

I just finished bagging all apples yesterday. Peaches with Surround-soaked footsies are next.