When/how to prune young mulberry

I planted one of the “Worlds Best” mulberries last year and it is doing great but now I am wondering about pruning it. looking for advice on when, how,how much etc. I am in south Louisiana and the plant is about 7 feet tall.

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I would use the Dave Wilson Nursery’s, backyard orchard culture. Prune in summer for height, in winter for shape. I thought about growing this one but with the poor taste reports I went with others. Prince, Oscar, and others with positive feedback on flavor. Such as Pakistan, Wellington, or Silk Hope.
Look under pruning.


thanks for the tip, I will look at the link you provided. I did allow some fruit to mature on this young plant out of curiosity and was quite pleased with the flavor, better than the common wild species that grows commonly here.

Awesome, it may depend on location. So somebody sent me some cuttings of this one. I rooted one, I may keep it now. As I think one needs to try themselves. Two of the most dogged pluots, Dapple Dandy and Flavor Queen, happen to be two of my favorites!
As taste is so subjective and will vary by location too.

So I don’t care what kind of fruit I keep my fruiting trees at about 7 feet tall. I just picked 7 pounds of sweet cherries from my 7 foot White Gold tree. I prune it twice a year. Just before I put the net over it to protect cherries. And I look at structure in late winter-early spring and prune to shape.

I have a graft of Utah Giant on the tree too, also Emperor Francis.

White Gold harvest. The bowl on the left looks small but it is a foot deep. I weighted them in aj a few ounces over 7 pounds. How many cherries does one need?

On 6-26 I harvested Carmine Jewel, and I also have Juliet and Wowza, both too young to fruit yet.

My World’s Best had some die back from last year and it is now more of a bush then a tree. I or the deer will trim it back to above browse height. Hopeful I get enough fruit next year to get a good read on quality.

Yeah deer seem to love mulberry leaves. I have been battling them too.

no deer here but plenty of hungry mockingbirds and raccoons. cherries look great, wish I could grow them here.