I would be great that the peaches have no pit. But in your case, maybe the pit looks deformed , may due to lack of nutrients ( Calcium in my mind) or weather related. I am not a expert. Hope someone chime in so we both can learn the causes
It’s most likely a split pit. Split pit is more likely on early ripening peach and nectarine. Sometime the pit splits into fragments. That looks like the case here. In other cases the pit just splits open. Sometimes the fruit flesh splits open as well. None of this is good. But sometimes you can salvage some good parts to eat.
Ah. Thats a split pit … the bits on either side are part of the pit which did not fully form. As @fruitnut mentions it is more common than not on early peaches, but not that extreme in terms of lack of formation of the pit.
We get that sometimes on our earlier ripening varieties. I think it’s cold damage? I think? It’s some kind of stress factor.
What gets annoying is if the peach splits open further, and then the pit gets moldy.
We had a strange winter and everything flowered early, so that must be it. The other two peach trees (scarlet Prince and red globe) flowered a little later, and they are still at the peaches-are-halfsized-and-don’t-do-anything phase.
It’s not cold damage. I have it in my greenhouse that never goes below 37F.
It’s the fact that very early maturing varieties don’t spend much time in the pit hardening stage. Those varieties begin to expand before the pit hardens up. As a result the pit can be split.
Meanwhile the late varieties are still in the pit hardening stage. They are building a pit that’s much stronger and can withstand the stress of the later stages as the flesh expands and grows.
Most of the difference between early and late peaches is time spent in the pit hardening stage. The stage name says it all.
Lots of variables involved. Growth patterns vary from year to year because weather and other factors vary. On some varieties they recommend that you not girdle the tree. That’s a practice sometimes used commercially to improve fruit size and quality on early varieties. But it can be too much of a good thing and cause split pits.
I had split pits this year for the first time and the only difference was that I dissolved urea 46-0-0 in water and applied it to the trees which I’ve never done before