I had a few fireblight strikes but overall enjoyed it’s absence. My suspicions are this mysterious illness bothered the people worse that were recently visited by the 17 year cicada and left many of us alone this year. Insects may play a much larger role in the spread of fireblight than we realize. What is your experience?
No cicadas here but i had some fb if you wanted any of mine
I had some FB but there are years I get a strike on every tree practically. Did you spray copper this spring?
If you wanted to find FB, you should have come to my yard.
I never spray for it (never being all of a couple years) but my asian pear got what i BELIEVE was fireblight (The outermost twigs slowly turned black and died, you could watch this spread on all new bark) when i moved it this may.
Yeah it was apparently at our house.
I had the worst fb ever. I had to chop 1/4 of one of my trees off…
Fireblight is completely unpredictable. Once I think I figured it out clearly I didn’t
1/4 tree is not bad it typically kills them to the ground here. Not from neglect either but when it hits it hits! Once they produce fruit you will know how FB resistant they are. If they live through the first year of fruit we are in pretty good shape. 1/4 tree is still a big set back but I’m glad you stopped it.
I had a bit worse than usual. We had some warm stretches in later spring. Still nothing too major.
All your fireblight went to California this year.
When I get a strike I act quickly. This was a strike I got 2 days ago June 6th 2018 that was quickly starting to run back down the tree. The biggest mistake anyone can make is trying to save that fruit! The second you see the strike in a fruit cluster even if it’s your only fruit cluster it must be amputated. Please don’t ask me how I figured that out!
I’ve posted plenty about these topics in the last several years Late season Fireblight & Pear tree Fireblight research so you dont have to
Temperature and rainfall totals are factors but it’s mostly about varities
Clark, last photo. How far down did you go to cut?
About 6 inches below any sign of infection.