I am trying to find PF Early Eight Ball, PF Eight Ball and PF Late George Peach trees. Grandpas Orchard, Raintree, Van Well, Cummins, Stark Bro’s, and AC Nursery do not have the trees. Does anyone else have a suggestion where I might find these varieties? I am in central VA, so driving to NC, eastern TN, Eastern WV or Maryland is possible.
I thought Grandpas Orchard would have them but I did not see them listed when they went live with there 2017 trees today.
It’s probably going to be tough finding the PF varieties you mention this late in the year. You could try Schlabach’s nursery. They are Amish, so you’ll have to call or write. They have some PF varieties.
Also did you try all the nurseries mentioned on Paul Friday’s Webpage?
It looks like C&O is Apple, Pears and Cherries. I will call Schlabach’s asap. When is the right time to order peach trees? I have been calling nurseries for the last 3 to 4 months. Most said call back around Thanksgiving. So I had contacted most of the nurseries on the Flamin Fury web site but not all. Some actually have the trees but are only selling in qty via wholesale. Vanwell has been the most supportive (I was able to get some other PF series trees not listed on there web site for 2017). Thanks for the info/suggestions.
You want to call Boyer’s Nursery near Gettysburg, PA. Ask for their catalog. It is loaded with peaches from the Flaming Fury series.
They will probably issue their 2017 catalog in March. Customer service is slow, but their stock is always excellent. Call and ask for “Emma Lower.” If you hassle Emma, you’ll be sure to get whatever you need. Call her by January to get a jump on their bareroot stock before it is advertized to other buyers.
Their website is outdated and is offered merely for reference purposes. Their inventory fluxuates over the years.
On a side note, their nursery is worth a visit in late June (to eat cherries) and in mid-late August (to eat the peaches).
Generally speaking I’ve had to order earlier and earlier to get varieties I’d like to try. This year I ordered in June from Adams County (They didn’t have Early Eight Ball, or Late George, but did have Eight Ball.)
There has been a shortage of peach trees in the nursery business. I’ve read about it in a trade magazine.
Probably some smaller nurseries don’t want to mess with early orders, but you might try to get the trees reserved anyway, if you really wanted them. If you really wanted them, I bet you could offer to pre-pay the full price for them and they would take your order (and your money).
I have Schlabach catalog2017. The only PF it carries this year is PF Lucky 13.
May I ask why do you prefer PF peaches over others, please? From what I have read people reporting here, the results are mixed but the marketing is great.
I am looking for a late peach and the PF Big George is a late peach, later than Victoria (which I have on order). Eight Ball and Late Eight Ball are Pre-Red Haven. The only Pre-Red Haven Peach I have now is Desiree so I was looking to fill gaps to Red Haven when I would have no peaches. My logic may be wrong but I generally try and get peaches with 700 plus chill hours (800 plus preferable) in my zone, which is 7A. I see California nurseries selling late season peaches but the chill requirements seem low. I am open to other varieties, but I prefer disease resistant trees.
Glenglo is ~12 days before Redhaven and has good reviews.
Gold Dust is ~20 days before Redhaven, 550 hours, zones 6-9.
Summerset is late (~52 days after Redhaven), 700 hours, zones 6-9.
O’Henry is pretty late (~45 days after Redhaven), 750 hours, zones 5-9.
Rio Oso Gem is pretty late (~44 days after Redhaven), 800 hours, zones 6-9.
Also, if you also consider Nectarines, you have a few more options:
Juneglo is ~10 days before Redhaven, 700 hours, zones 5-9.
Le Grand is pretty late (~40 days after Redhaven), 800 hours.
Lola is late (~50 days after Redhaven), 800 hours.
Flamekist and Liz’s Late are late, both are 600-700 hours and zones 6-9.
I’m in California, so have little knowledge about diseases that you might have in your climate.
I’m in zone 6a/5b and Indian Free fruited October 5th here. Probably in September there. Peach leaf curl resistant, but brown rot can get them. I spray and have zero rot, although brown rot isn’t as bad here as in the Northeast, it’s slightly less humid, and less rain too (31 inches average a year)… I got 71 off this little tiny 5 foot tree this year.It was 4th leaf this year.
Early October is as far as I can go, any that fruit after Indian Free, I would not even try.
It’s a top rate peach too, I will always grow it along with Arctic Glo nectarine.