Where's a good northern place to order some asparagus roots?

I ought to plant some more, but not sure which place is good - need ~10-15 roots of something not too fancy, not too expensive shipping, decent quality.

Nourse out of MA sells them.

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Based on your comment about planting more, I’m assuming that you already have established asparagus plants. Accordingly, I would just dig up a few of them and divide the crowns. For example, I gave my neighbor 7 or 8 sections of asparagus crowns from two plants that I dug up last month.

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My plants are a wee small - transplanted from old bunch near house to garden last spring but they wound up getting overtaken some by the rhubarb (also transplanted; other side of house) - I always underestimate space. Anyway, transplanted some of them over again to more space, but still small.

Was thinking of ‘kidnapping’ a few wild asparagus from roadsides, but was reading that they often don’t respond well, so figured I’d just buy some (and I have mapped the wild asparagus, for collection to eat)…


Nourse farms.


I was also going to recommend Nourse.

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I found this place:
a sort of local downstate (MI) place that people seem to like locally (down there). Also shipping for 35 crowns (as usual more than I need/have room for but) was ~$7.50 so quite a bit less than further-off places.
I’ll complain & whine here if they screw up!
Decided to try some millennium & Jersey Supreme.
I might have to ‘guerrilla’ some offsite if I run out of room (more wild asparagus never a bad thing; I have numerous sites mapped for spring visits)

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