Just curious if there are any round, glossy, black-colored berries that actually taste good raw straight off the branch?
There’s only a few come to my mind: Aronia Melanocarpa - But it tastes horrible. Sorbaronia Mitschurinii - Never tried it, but I assume it will taste like the aronia. Black Currant - Never tried it, but I assume it might be good (better than aronia?).
I didn’t count elderberry as it is toxic raw. Black cherries have large inedible seeds/pits and they’re not perfectly “round”.
Nannyberry. Viburnum, although I’m not sure what you mean by edible seeds. Nannyberry seeds aren’t thought of as food but they aren’t poisonous. The fruit is quite tasty which led me to the effort of identifying it after tasting it in the wild and Viburnums are wonderful, generally pest free plants with wonderful floral displays. However, Nannyberry is not the most attractive member in the family. .
black currants depend a bit on what your climate is, but yeah i have some that have very low acidity and would only highly recommend them. I hear people in warmer locations find them repulsive either that is because of the heat or the variety.
They’re a high elevation special in the pacific northwest. Taste kind of like blueberry, but more… rich? Hard to describe. More purple. They taste more purple. Love 'em.