White bittter melon

First time seeing a White bitter melon. I bought one to get the seeds and plant them this Spring.



I have the seeds and is going to plant some this year.

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I thought they were white because they were wrapped in paper like green beans.

I can’t find my bitter gourd seeds :confounded:. I love bitter gourd soup. Its medicinal property is a bonus.


The seeds felted heavy. I think they should be viable.


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It is called White Jade. I have 4 seeds that I got from a friend, and I only want 1 plant.Not sure how well the seeds germinate. I can send you 2 seeds.


I also bought some Lufa and Snake gourd seeds to try out this year at my new acreage house. I bought some cattle panels from Tractor supply co store and will build something like this for the bitter melons and gourds to climb on.



Very nice.

If it is not too much work, I would love to try it. Thank you.

My husband bought this grow bag, added the 4 upright PVC pipes to it and threw a netting over the structure for the vine to climb on.


I’m in the group of people that thinks it tastes poisinous.

When I buy this vegetable from the farmers market, they always rot in the fridge, so I stop buying them. I never could grow this veg here, tiny plant, never any fruit, so I stop growing them.

It is in the super food category. The more bitter the taste the healthier for you. This is one of my favorite Vietnamese dish. Stuffed ground pork in bitter melon.

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It does help, my cousin’s husband had diabetes, but after eating this he doesn’t have anymore. He had type 2 diabetes.
But the caveat is you have to like eating it.