White Sapote "Suebelle"

White Sapote “Suebelle” is a cultivar of Casimiroa edulis. I believe it is named after a woman who originally propagated it in Long Beach CA. I’ve been growing it in a 25-gallon pot for a few years and intend to put it in the ground this spring. Here’s a photo of current flowers and fruit sets:


A couple of the maturing fruits :smile:


Today I planted it from the 25-gallon pot :smile:.


Richard, I’ve been trying to calculate from your amazing yard map how close sue belle is planted to your foundation. I’ve read that sapotes can have invasive roots but that grafted Suebelle should be naturally smaller. In your experience what would be the minimum safe distance? I’m running out of room but would really like to put my Suebelle in the ground.

In my experience the Suebelle produced by LaVerne has less invasive roots than most figs. You do need to control the height much like you would a Reed Avocado – otherwise you’ll have a tall, spindly tree. I’d feel comfortable planting it 12’ away from the house, considering both the roots and your ability to service the tree.

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I harvested these 4 today and still have 5 ripening on the tree.


I bought some sue belles at the farmers market yesterday and they were delicious. Enjoy yours!!

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Flower buds :laughing:

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A stealth fruit and flowers.


Hello Richard. Your landscape is drastically different than mine at the moment. Everything is covered in snow here… I sometimes dream of moving south just to be able to get fruits in winter or to taste fruits such as the white sapote. I never saw that fruit before. Lucky you :slight_smile:


Hi @jessica4b,
I too appreciate where you live :slight_smile:. From that region has come Joni Mitchel, The Guess Who, The Duhks, and the world’s largest Rose cultivar repository to name a few. I’m also envious of several fruiting plants you’re growing:

cherry : Carmine Jewell, nanking cherry Pink candles
currants: red Jonkheer Van Tets
elderberry: Bob Gordon and Wyldewood
grape vines: Adalmiina, Buffalo Blue and Somerset
haskap: Berry blue and Tundra
nannyberry: Lentago
saskatoon berry/serviceberry : stolonifera

… and I’m surprised that Shinseiki is working for you, because it works here too!

My visits to eastern Canada have been limited to Toronto although I’ve spent quite a bit of time in Alberta and B.C., both northern and southern regions. The national parks are absolutely beautiful and maintained beyond U.S. standards. The mennonites in Great Prairie AB are an inspiration. :heart:


We’re having a White Sapote Christmas!


I live in zone 8b, do I have any chance of growing this one? Where’s the source? Does it need a special soil mixture?


Not without protection. Mature trees can take down to around 24-25 degrees for brief periods of time. Small trees get killed or seriously damaged at 28-32.

At these temps even the garage might not be safe! Well if it fruits in a twenty five gallon container then perhaps I could keep it indoors.
Is there a need for a second tree?

Does anyone know about the difference in taste between this one and the CANISTEL? Pouteria campechiana and could the second one be grown in a container to fruit?


The commercial propagator for the western U.S. is La Verne.

It is native to Central American forests containing Avocado etc. A Citrus/Avocado soil mix works well.

You might want to experiment with Avocado indoors before trying this one.

No. In fact you wouldn’t want more than one. This plant produces the highest quantity of carbohydrates per square foot in the world.

I grew Suebelle by itself and it fruited. White sapotes are creamy inside. Canistel texture is more like a cooked sweet potato. The flavor is also quite different.


So which one you liked more? Did the CANISTEL also fruit in pot?

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Thank You Richard.